X22 Report

X22 Report

Trump:“More People Are Waking Up”,Plan Working,”We Need To Win Big”“We Need To Swamp Them” – Ep. 3184

October 11, 2023


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Trump:“More People Are Waking Up”,Plan Working,”We Need To Win Big”“We Need To Swamp Them”Click On Picture To See Larger Picture

The [WEF] are pushing their agenda, the Finnish pipeline was damaged and now the investigators believe it might be sabotage. The people realize something is wrong, this is the first step, when the economy gets worse they will begin to understand. Trump said that tariffs are the only way forward. Trump sends a message and mentions SEZ. The [DS] is doing exactly what the patriots want them to do. The 16 year plan is being countered by we the people. Each part of the plan the [DS] implemented the people are rejecting. Trump lets every know that more and more people are waking up. We need to win big and with people by his side it will make it very difficult to cheat in the election. Which means the [DS] will push a cyber attack to try to postpone the election. Trump will usher in peace and the people will be with him.


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SABOTAGE: Leak in the Submarine Gas Pipeline Between Finland and Estonia Was ‘Deliberate Act’ – Damage Came a Year After the Nord Stream Explosions

  • The Finnish government said today, October 10, that a submarine gas pipeline has been damaged and started to leak, in what very much appears to have been a deliberate act.
  • A telecommunications cable connecting Finland and Estonia under the Baltic Sea was also damaged.
  • Reuters reported:
  • The damage to the gas pipeline took place in Finnish waters, while the telecoms cable breach was in Estonian waters.
  • The Finnish Bureau of Investigation is investigating the external damage to the pipeline.

  • “‘We are still verifying if the damage is caused deliberately or accidentally’, the bureau said, though it added that the size of the damage was such that it indicated deliberate action.”
  • To inflict this kind of damage to the pipeline would require ‘special knowledge’, was not an act that could have been done by an ordinary person.

  • Unsurprisingly, Finnish media has government sources saying Russian sabotage was suspected.
  • The Guardian reported:

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Biden Admin Has Issued Lowest Amount Of Offshore Oil Permits In Almost 20 Years

  • The Biden administration has approved a record low number of permits for new offshore oil wells since 2005, according to E&E News.
  • The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), a subagency of the Department of the Interior (DOI), approved 105 applications for permit to drill (APDs) combined in 2021 and 2022, President Joe Biden’s first two years in office, compared to 148 in former President Donald Trump’s first two years and 275 in the first two years of the Obama administration, according to E&E News. The Biden administration has described itself as responsible for the aggressive climate agenda in U.S. history, establishing goals to have the U.S. energy sector reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2035 and the overall economy achieve net-zero by 2050.

Source: breitbart.com



US Producer Prices Continue Resurgence In September As Gas Prices & Deposit Services Soar

  •  US Producer Prices jumped 0.5% MoM (+0.3% exp), lifting the headline Final Demand print up 2.2% YoY…

Source: Bloomberg

That is the biggest YoY jump since April 2023 and is up 3 straight months.

Goods prices dominated the jump in PPI (+0.9% MoM) but Services costs also rose MoM…

  • Product detail: Over 40 percent of the September increase in prices for final demand goods can be traced to a 5.4-percent rise in the index for gasoline. Prices for jet fuel, processed young chickens, ts, electric power, and diesel fuel also advanced. In contrast, the index for fresh and dry vegetables declined 13.9 percent. Prices for wood pulp and for utility natural gas also fell.


  • Food prices rose most since Nov 2022…


Put another way…


Source: zerohedge.com

IMF issues updated global inflation forecast

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued an upward revision of its forecasts for global inflation to 6.9% this year and 5.8% in 2024, marking an increase of 0.1% and 0.6%, respectively, versus the projections made by the Washington-based institution three months ago.

Source: rt.com

World Bank says high rates threaten some countries

  • “The trouble now is that because of the high rates, the high interest rates that you mentioned, growth is slowing down a lot,” he said.
  • The World Bank’s chief economist warned Wednesday that interest rate hikes could spell trouble for countries struggling to deal with debt.

  • The U.S. Federal Reserve, the European Central Banks and others have raised rates and warned that they could remain high longer than expected in order to bring down elevated inflation.

Source: thehindu.com 

Trump Vows U.S. Tariffs on All Foreign Imports to Protect American Jobs 

  • During a campaign speech in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, Trump told Republican primary voters that, as president, he would impose United States tariffs on all foreign imports and get Congress to finally pass former Rep. Sean Duffy’s (R-WI) Reciprocal Trade Act.
  • “To protect New Hampshire workers and families, I will impose an across-the-board tariff on foreign-made goods,” Trump said:

I will also pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. If China or any other country makes us pay a 100 or 200 percent tariff, we will make them pay a reciprocal tariff of 100 or 200 percent right back. And as taxes on foreign countries go up, taxes on American workers, families, and small businesses will come down, and down dramatically. [Emphasis added]

Source: breitbart.com

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Meaning and Relation to FDI  


  • What Is a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)?
  • A special economic zone (SEZ) is an area in a country that is designed to generate positive economic growth. An SEZ is normally subject to different and more favorable economic regulations compared to other regions in the same country, including tax incentives and the opportunity to pay lower tariffs. SEZ economic regulations tend to be conducive to—and attract—foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI refers to any investment made by a firm or individual in one country into business interests located in another country.


    • A special economic zone is an area in a country that is subject to different economic regulations than other regions within the same country.
    • The economic regulations of special economic zones (SEZs) tend to be conducive to—and attract—foreign direct investment.
    • Special economic zones are typically created in order to facilitate rapid economic growth by leveraging tax incentives to attract foreign investment and spark technological advancement.
    • While many countries have set up special economic zones. China has been the most successful in using SEZs to attract foreign capital.

  • Understanding How Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
  • Special economic zones are special areas designated within a country that have different business and trade regulations. They are normally established to facilitate rapid economic growth and development in certain geographic regions.

  • Economic growth may come locally, regionally, and/or internationally. The growth that results from special economic zones is accomplished by leveraging tax incentives as a way of attracting foreign dollars through FDI and technological advancement.

  • SEZs may increase export levels for the implementing country and other countries that supply it with intermediate products. However, there is a risk that countries may abuse the system and use it to retain protectionist barriers in the form of taxes and fees. SEZs can also create a high level of bureaucracy due to their regulatory requirements. This can have the effect of funneling money away from the system, making it less efficient.

  • Types of SEZs include free-trade zones, industrial parks, and specialized zones. We go into more detail about these and other types of SEZs below.


  • Free-Trade Zone: Free-trade zones are specially secured areas that are designated for the processing of imported and exported goods. Also called commercial-free or foreign-trade zones, these areas involve special customs procedures and duty-free treatment.
  • Export Processing Zone: These zones are generally meant for commercial and industrial exports. The goal is to encourage economic growth through foreign investment. Export processing zones offer certain benefits, such as tax and import duty exemptions, and little to no barriers.
  • Industrial Park: As the name suggests, industrial areas or parks are designed to be used for industrial instead of commercial or residential purposes. Tax-related incentives are common benefits for those that use these special zones.
  • Specialized Zone: Some of the most common uses for these areas include technology hubs, airport-based zones, and logistics parks.

  • What Are Some Common Types of Special Economic Zones?

    Some of the most common types of special economic zones are free-trade zones, export processing zones, industrial parks, and specialized zones. Many of these offer users tax incentives, such as exemption on duties and other fees, and access to foreign direct investment.

  • Special economic zones are widely used around the world as a way to boost economic growth. These areas are specially designed zones that promote investment, primarily through foreign dollars. SEZs provide incentives, such as favorable tax and tariff regulations. Some of the most common types of SEZs include free-trade zones and industrial parks, which you’ve probably come across in many major cities across the country.

Source: investopedia.com


Biden Interviewed By Special Counsel In Classified Documents Probe

  • President Joe Biden was coached through given a surely thorough interview by Special Counsel Robert Hur’s team investigating his handling of classified documents spanning several years, the White House acknowledged in a statement.
  • President Biden’s interview suggests the probe may be nearing its conclusion.

Source: zerohedge.com

Ben Bergquam: Border Patrol Confirms Significant Numbers Of Syrians And Pakistanis Pouring Into Arizona (VIDEO)  

  • The border continues to be a major crisis for the U.S. One of the biggest concerns right now is the number of potential terrorists that are just walking into our nation thanks to the criminal Biden Regime.
  • Ben Bergquam was in Lukeville, Arizona this week to show just how bad it’s getting.
  • “This is today, and it will be like this tomorrow, and the next day and the next day and this is one point on our border and it’s like this across our entire border,” he said.

  • The footage shows a Border Patrol truck being used to transport the luggage of illegal aliens. They are taking away protective measures by turning our Border Patrol agents into porters!


  • A good portion of these illegals are from terror hotspots like Syria and Pakistan with some from Northern India. The mainstream media either downplays this or simply does not report it.




According to Bill Melugin, over 150 people were caught at the southern border who were on the FBI terror watchlist this fiscal year alone.

source: thegatewaypundit.com



Geopolitical/Police State

European Commission Warns Elon Musk about Israel -v- Hamas Information that Runs Afoul of The EU Digital Services Act 


Source: theconservativetreehouse.com

  • Elon responds “Please list the violations you allude to on