X22 Report

X22 Report

Hunter Indicted, [DS] Preparing To Hit The Election Infrastructure, Right On Schedule – Ep. 3163

September 14, 2023

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Hunter Indicted, [DS] Preparing To Hit The Election Infrastructure, Right On ScheduleClick On Picture To See Larger PictureRothschild admits that ESG has failed, they are losing their power over the people. Their agenda is going down the tubes. The people see [WEF] true intentions, destroy the economy and try to bring us into the great reset, but the people are seeing who is actually pushing the collapse of the economy. This will not end well for the [CB]/[WEF]. The [DS] is trying to show that they are not attacking Trump, they went ahead and indicted Hunter, this is a distraction, this has nothing to do with [JB]. They are trying to convince the people that the DOJ is not biased, it already failed. The [DS] knows they can’t win the election so they are building the narrative for a cyber attack. They are already laying out their plan where they are going to hit the election infrastructure. Right on schedule, the patriots are in control.

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Rothschild Admits ESG Failure As Globalists Shift To “Inclusive Capitalism” Agenda

  • ESG was intended to be the tool that globalists and governments would use to force companies into the stakeholder capitalism model. It is much like the Chinese communist social credit system, but for businesses rather than individuals. The higher a company’s ESG score, the more access lending and government funding they would have (easy money). It started out in 2005 focused on climate controls (influencing corporations to accept carbon credits and taxation). But, by 2016 it became something else; ESG widely adopted woke politics including Critical Race Theory, feminism, trans ideology, various elements of Marxism, etc.

  • The exposure of ESG is perhaps one of the greatest triumphs of the alternative media. It was proof that the “wokification” of our economy and society was not the result of some grassroots activist movement or the natural evolution of civilization. No, everything woke was a rigged agenda, an astroturf movement forced into existence by corporations and globalists using ESG as the vehicle.
  • It is with some disappointment I’m sure that Lynn Forester de Rothschild recently admitted the defeat of ESG at the B20 Summit in India. Though, Rothschild also suggests that the goal will be to replace the term “ESG” with something else that the public is not as privy to.   In other words, the globalists have been forced to abandon ESG but will continue to look for other methods to trap companies into the far-left hive.

Source: zerohedge.com





Bidenflation at the Pump: U.S. Retail Sales Pushed Higher Than Expected By Soaring Gas Prices 

  • Americans spent far more at gas stations in August as fuel prices skyrocketed, pushing retail sales far above expectations.
  • Sales at gas stations climbed 5.3 percent from July after a small rise of 0.1 percent in the prior month, Commerce Department data showed Thursday.
  • A separate report released on Wednesday showed that gasoline prices rose 10.6 percent for the month. So the increase in sales looks like it is entirely due to higher prices.
  • The value of total retail purchases increased 0.6 percent in August, much higher than the 0.2 percent expected by analysts.
  • But the upside surprise was not all due to gas sales. Excluding gasoline, sales climbed 0.2 percent, beating expectations for a 0.1 percent increase.

Source: breitbart.com


Majority of small businesses believe US is in recession

  •  More than half of U.S. small business owners believe the economy is already in a recession, marking a slight decrease between July and April, despite most firms reporting their own financial condition was strong, a survey released on Monday showed.
  • The survey conducted in July from the National Federation of Independent Business focused mainly on small businesses’ views on the state of banking and their credit needs, and also showed small businesses are much less worried about the health of their bank than they were in the immediate aftermath of this spring’s bank failures, including that of Silicon Valley Bank.

Source: reuters.com

G20 Announces Plan To Impose Digital Currencies An

  • The Group of 20 leaders have agreed to a plan to eventually impose digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations, despite fears that governments will use them to monitor their peoples’ spending and crush dissent.

  • Many critics are concerned that governments and central banks will eventually regulate cryptocurrencies and then immediately replace them with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which lack similar privacy and security.

Source: zerohedge.com



Native American Group That Campaigned to Eliminate ‘Redskins’ Name Funded by George Soros

  • The Native American activist group that successfully eliminated the name of the Washington Redskins receives some of its funding from both anti-American billionaire George Soros and the U.S. government, a report says.

  • This far-left group, though, has recently faced an uprising by another Native American group that fights to undo the cultural erasing of Native American names undertaken by NCAI. Last month, the Native American Guardians Association (NAGA) officially launched its campaign to convince the Washington Commanders to go back to being named the Redskins.
  • The group, led by founder Eunice Davidson, sent a letter to the owners and executives of the Washington Commanders “Formally requesting the team revitalize its relationship with the American Indian community and rightfully change their name back to ‘The Redskins.’”

Source: breitbart.com 

Buzbee Does It Again – AG Asst Who Claimed Ken Paxton Took Bribe via Kitchen Remodel Admits Remodel Never Took Place

  • Once again, the innuendo and supposition by Ken Paxton accusers runs into reality.  Previously Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s personal assistant, Drew Wicker, made an accusation that a Texas donor named Nate Paul funded a kitchen remodel for Paxton.   A quid pro quo to sell influence.
  • However, during cross examination today, Drew Wicker admitted the kitchen remodel never took place, and the actual details of the home remodel being done by Paxton was taking place *after* the office “whistleblowers” went to the FBI with their ungrounded claims.   Paxton’s attorney Tony Buzbee showed Drew Wicker pictures of the kitchen taken three years ago and also taken last month.  There was never any remodel work completed.  This is the central point of the alleged bribery. WATCH:
  • The prosecutors tried to deny the pictures were correctly dated or real, and then Tony Buzbee says let’s drive over there and look at the kitchen your honor.