X22 Report

X22 Report

Covid, War, Declas, Obama’s EO Will Be Used Against Him, [DS] Death Spiral – Ep. 3145

August 21, 2023

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The [WEF] plan to put people in cities and keep them there is going to fail, the people didn’t like be locked down and they won’t like being trapped. The petroleum engineering enrollment has been dropping, this is for the GND. The [CB] is trapped, they will be blamed for the crash. The [DS] is under the control of the patriots,  Trump has amplified the [DS] system and the people can now see it. The crimes are coming out and it shows that Trump was telling the truth and these criminals continually lied. The [DS] will try to use war, covid, but declas will stop them in their tracks. Obama is coming into focus and his EO will be used against him. Once it is all exposed and people are brought to the precipice you will see the [DS] death spiral.


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  •  The BLS data is being manipulated or the definitions are being changed to hide the underlying economic crisis building.

No, Central Banks Won’t Save Us This Time 

  • There’s a fanciful confidence afoot that central banks will once again coordinate a global “save” as markets careen out of control. They won’t. There are many reasons for this:

  • 1. There is no incentive to coordinate efforts, as each nation/region has vastly differing interests. Each faces a different mix of real-world inflation / deflation of assets, stagnation, currency issues and competing domestic / global interests.

  • 2. The era of low inflation has ended, and so has the era of ZIRP (zero-interest rate policies). The central banks are now perched on the horns of a self-inflicted dilemma: to boost flagging growth, they need to lower interest rates (their “one weird trick” they picked up off a spam site somewhere), but since they let inflation become embedded and geopolitics is jacking up real-world costs, the usual tricks of dropping rates to near-zero and flooding the financial system with “free money for financiers”, a.k.a. liquidity, will reignite still-simmering inflation.
  • 3. The statistical gaming can’t hide the fact that inflation is still crushing wage earners. The statistical game is that inflation is measured year-over-year, as if it magically resets every year. But it doesn’t reset; all the inflation of the previous years is still present, burdening wage earners.

  • 4. Wages have not caught up with either real-world inflation or asset bubble inflation. The chart of rent and household income reflects the unhappy reality that wages have lagged for 45 years, and continue to lag.


  • 5. The destabilizing extremes of wealth-income inequality generated by central banks are now shackles on its policy options. All the central bank tricks did was ignite a rocket under wealth-income inequality that then bled into the housing market, poisoning it by concentrating ownership of the housing stock in rapacious slumlord corporations and the top 10% who scooped up hundreds of thousands of dwellings as short-term vacation rentals, investment properties and speculative dumping grounds for their “excess capital.”


 Source: zerohedge.com



Hawaii Governor Josh Green Says More than 1,000 Still Missing in Maui – Many Are Children

Source: theconservativetreehouse.com

Biden to Visit Maui Nearly Two Weeks After Catastrophic Fires as 1,000+ People Remain Unaccounted For 

  • President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden will touch down in Maui on Monday as the search goes on for more than 1,000 people left missing and unaccounted for nearly two weeks since wildfires devastated the Hawaii island.
  • Biden will pause his vacation in Lake Tahoe to fly from Reno, Nevada, to Maui, where he and first lady Jill Biden will take a helicopter tour of the burned-out areas, Reuters reports.

Source: breitbart.com




Woke Theatre Organizations Facing Financial Catastrophe as Audiences Flee, Donations Plunge 

  • Major performing arts groups around the country are facing unprecedented financial crises that have led to layoffs and cancellations of entire seasons as their once-loyal audiences flee in droves and donations dry up.
  • A
  • Among the non-profit organizations going through financial turmoil are The Public Theater in New York, the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and the Lookingglass Theatre in Chicago.
  • Even New York’s mighty Metropolitan Opera is in trouble, with its supporting guild announcing this week that it is shutting down after nearly a century of operation.
  •  , New York’s Public Theater recently laid off close to 20 percent of its staff and is drastically cutting back on its programming. In 2017, the theater infamously staged the gruesome stabbing death of President Donald Trump in its production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

  • Artistic director Oskar Eustis, who directed the Trump assassination production, said the theater’s attendance has cratered by 30 percent while the theater’s costs have skyrocketed by as much as 45 percent.

Source: breitbart.com

World’s Top Chess Federation Restricts Transgender Biological Males Competing in Women’s Tournaments

  • The International Chess Federation, often referred to by its French acronym FIDE, has restricted transgender biological males from competing in women’s tournaments.
  • Last week, the organization said that they have been receiving increased applications from players who claim to be transgender and want to play against players of the sex they identify as.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


EPIC! “Prosecute Hunter Biden” Sign Seen Flying Over Joe Biden’s Beach Home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware (VIDEO)

  • A Trump supporter flew a sign over Rehoboth Beach in Delaware where Joe Biden has his beach home this weekend.
  • The sign reads, “Prosecute Hunter Biden.”
  • Why stop with Hunter? Joe Biden is his illegal business partner. We all know that now.

  • If we did not have a two-tiered Justice System in America today Hunter would have been locked up a long, long time ago.

  •  Via I Meme Therefore I Am.