X22 Report

X22 Report

The How Will Be Hard For Most People To Understand, Focus On Why, It’s Happening Now – Ep. 3142

August 17, 2023

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The How Will Be Hard For Most People To Understand, Focus On Why, It’s Happening NowClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

The [WEF] plan is falling apart, the green new deal is not working and the climate hoax is failing, so they bring out Podesta, he failed. The people will know in the end who the lier’s  are, those who say the economy is fine as it crashes. The [DS] is panicking, they are trying to stop Trump from releasing the election fraud information. The people are learning the truth about election interference which will then feed into the rigging of the 2020 election. The how for some people is very had to see and understand , the why is much easier. It is all happening right in front of the people’s faces and they are seeing it. Soon the people will have enough ammunition to throw off the tryranical government with their vote. Trump will make sure their vote counts.


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Biden Regime Trots Out Dirty John Podesta to Lecture Americans About Climate Change (VIDEO)

  •  John Podesta made an appearance at  White House Press briefing to lecture us on ‘climate change.’
  • The Biden Regime trotted out Podesta, a current Biden advisor and former Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, just barely a day after Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was indicted.
  • Podesta admitted Joe Biden’s so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is actually the Marxist green new deal repackaged with a different name.

  • “We have to cut the carbon pollution that’s driving the climate crisis and that’s what the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ is all about!” Podesta said.


  • John Podesta said Americans in Phoenix experiencing temps above 110 degrees (shocker: it’s summer) are ‘feeling it.’
  • “The public not only gets it, I think they’re feeling it!” Podesta said about current weather events.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

John Podesta Cited A Major Investment Bank’s Solar Projections. There’s Just One Problem


Source: dailycaller.com




Yellen: Most Americans Feel Good About Their Own Economic Situation

  • How does Janet Yellen still have a job? She is completely out of touch and merely a mouthpiece for the political elite. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had the audacity to claim that most Americans are happy with their financial situation despite every bit of data indicating otherwise. “So, they seem to perceive the economy as a whole as doing less well than they are personally. But most Americans feel good about their own economic situation.”
  • The CNN reporter questioning Yellen mentioned a poll in question showing that 75% of Americans realize that the economy is in poor condition. Another 63% said they disapprove of how President Biden is addressing the economic crisis. The reporter asked Yellen if she could assure the people that prices would go down, and she said no. Inflation allegedly is declining based on government data but people are still paying significantly more for absolutely everything.
  • Yellen is completely in bed with the WEF and the BUILD BACK BETTER global elite.

Source: armstrongeconomics.com




You Can’t Make This Up: Maui’s Emergency Operations Chief Has No Background in Disaster Response – Offers Absurd Excuse for Not Activating Sirens During Wildfire (VIDEO)

  • Maui’s emergency operations chief, Herman Andaya, had no conventional background in disaster response, an alarming revelation that has heightened concerns over his decision-making.

  • Andaya’s department was responsible for sounding the warning sirens, but these crucial alarms remained ominously silent during the firestorm. 
  • The devastating fire that ravaged the beautiful island of Maui ignited at 12:22 a.m., a time when the residents were tucked in their beds, completely unaware of the impending disaster.
  • Had those sirens been activated, it’s conceivable that the residents would have received the crucial warning they needed, potentially allowing them time to evacuate and seek safety. The sirens remained silent, leaving many to wonder what could have been.


Maui Emergency Operations Chief Herman Andaya says he does not regret not sounding the sirens during the devastating wildfires:

“The public is trained to seek higher ground in the event that the sirens sounded … If that was the case, then they would’ve gone into the fire.” pic.twitter.com/0FpPhuI4hK

— The Recount (@therecount) August 17, 2023


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Dianne Feinstein’s Daughter Alleges Senator Is Victim Of Elder Abuse

  • The daughter of 90-year-old Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein alleged her mother is a victim of elder abuse in a lawsuit filed against trustees of her late husband’s estate.
  • Feinstein and her daughter, Katherine, accused co-trustees Michael Klein and Marc Scholvinck of engaging in elder and financial abuse, in addition to a breach of trust, Reuters reported Wednesday. Katherine filed the lawsuit Aug. 8 in the California Superior Court in the County of San Francisco.
  • The lawsuit alleges the trustees “wrongfully” withheld distributions from her late husband’s trust that should have gone toward her trust fund, the outlet reported. Feinstein’s late husband, Richard Blum, died in early 2022 after 42 years of marriage.

Source: dailycaller.com


JUST IN: James Comer Demands National Archives Hand Over ALL Un-redacted Records of the Pseudonyms Biden Used as Vice-President

  • House Oversight Committee James Comer formally requested the National Archives to hand over any unredacted records in which President Biden used a pseudonym during his vice presidency Wednesday.


As The New York Post notes, Biden used the email address “Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov” while Barack Obama’s sidekick and that his aide John Flynn cc’d Hunter on 10 emails containing Joe’s schedule between May 18 and June 15, 2016.

In addition to the pseudonyms, Comer wants records in which Hunter, Eric Schwerin, or Devon Archer were copied and drafts of Joe’s speech to the Ukrainian Parliament in December 2015.

Comer released the following statement explaining his reason for the National Archives request:

  • Joe Biden has stated there was ‘an absolute wall’ between his family’s foreign business schemes and his duties as Vice President, but evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family’s influence peddling.

We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, dining, and having coffee with his son’s foreign business associates.

We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest. The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


  •  Schwerin, or Devon Archer is copied; and all drafts of then-VP Biden’s speech to the Ukrainian parliament in December 2015. Biden “mixed official government duties with family’s influence peddling.” Comer was about to go to court to get all Joe and Hunter’s personal bank records when AG Garland pulled the Special Counsel trick. He’s still going.
LA Hotel Converted to Federally Sponsored Homeless Shelter Had Over $11 Million in Damages
  • The Mayfair Hotel in Los Angeles, California participated for two years in the federal initiative, Project Roomkey, that turns California hotels into temporary homeless shelters.
  • A decision that resulted in $11.5 million in damages to their facility, paid for by taxpayers, which includes shattered windows, vandalized bathrooms, destruction of carpet, drug use, fights and more.
  • The Los Angeles Times shared reports from social workers assigned to the hotel:

KTLA reports:

“I don’t want them back in this neighborhood,” neighbor Darlene Adderison told the Times. “I want my peace. I am 66 years old and I want my peace.”

Three months ago, the Los Angeles Times called the Mayfair Hotel in the Westlake neighborhood of Los Angeles “a 15-story hotel [that] could help L.A.’s mayor fight homelessness.” https://t.co/F0gQnxzNjL

— KTLA (@KTLA) August 16, 2023

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Americans Do Not Support How DOJ Handled The Hunter Biden Investigation: POLL

  • A plurality of Americans do not support how the Department of Justice (DOJ) handled its investigation into Hunter Biden, according to an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Wednesday.

  • “On another subject, how confident are you that the U.S. Justice Department is handling its investigation of Hunter Biden in a fair and nonpartisan manner?” ABC/Ipsos surveyors asked a nationally representative sample of 508 adults. 
  • Nearly half of respondents, 48%, said they are “not so confident” or “not confident at all” that the DOJ was fair in the Hunter Biden case, with 32% “very” or “somewhat confident” the department conducted its investigation 

Source: dailycaller.com

Joe Biden Jogs to Avoid Reporters After Comer Reveals He Used Pseudonym For Ukraine Dealings (VIDEO)


Court Filing Reveals Link Between Jeffrey Epstein, Obama’s White House Counsel and JPMorgan Chase 

  • A recent court filing in the US Virgin Islands has revealed a ‘not-so-shocking’ connection between the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, former Obama White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, and JPMorgan Chase.
  • This revelation comes years after JPMorgan claimed to have severed ties with Epstein. The filing sheds light on the events leading up to Epstein’s arrest on child sex trafficking charges and raises questions about the ethical practices of one of the world’s largest banks.

The filing says that JPMorgan admits “Epstein was involved in the establishment of a customer relationship with Kathryn Ruemmler,” who was the longest-serving White House general counsel under former President Barack Obama


  •  trafficking charges, an explosive court filing revealed today according to CNBC. The filing says that JPMorgan admits “Epstein was involved in the establishment of a customer relationship with Kathryn Ruemmler,” who was the longest-serving White House general counsel under former President Barack Obama. Ruemmler, who is now general counsel for Goldman Sachs was touted by Epstein’s personal assistant to JPMorgan as an ideal customer, the filing shows. So while everyone has been distracted with the fake charges against Trump, this happened. Also, it’s noteworthy that Ruemmler works for Goldman Sachs now. Obama’s chef and a Goldman Sachs employee both recently died under shady circumstances.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Geopolitical/Police State

Free Speech Is Killing Us

  • Noxious language online is causing real-world violence. What can we do about it?

  • There has never been a bright line between word and deed. Yet for years, the founders of Facebook and Twitter and 4chan and Reddit — along with the consumers obsessed with these products, and the investors who stood to profit from them — tried to pretend that the noxious speech prevalent on those platforms wouldn’t metastasize into physical violence.

    Having spent the past few years embedding as a reporter with the trolls and bigots and propagandists who are experts at converting fanatical memes into national policy, I no longer have any doubt that the brutality that germinates on the internet can leap into the world of flesh and blood.

Source: nytimes.com

Apple Removes ALL of Glenn Beck’s Podcasts From iTunes Ahead of His Show on Biden Crime Family 

  • Glenn Beck said Apple removed all of his podcasts from iTunes on Wednesday.
  • Beck panned over to a message he received from Apple: “Your show has been removed from Apple Podcasts.”

“This is crazy! Crazy!” Glenn Beck said asking his supporters to retweet his post. 

“All of my podcasts have been removed from Apple/iTunes with no explanation,” Glenn Beck said.

All of my podcasts have been removed from Apple/iTunes with no explanation. https://t.co/Cj4ZlzJsdk

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) August 16, 2023



I wonder if today’s podcast asking who the REAL crime family is had something to do with this apparent censorship by Apple?

THIS is why I built Blaze Media.

You can still find the show now @BlazeTVpic.twitter.com/RQPcQOUBbR

— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) August 16, 2023


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Wicked DC Judge Beryl Howell Threatens Elon Musk, Accuses X Owner of “Cozying Up” with Trump for Not Immediately Handing Over Data Related to his Account (VIDEO) 

  •  .


This week documents were leaked by the press that reveal that DC Judge Beryl Howell threatened Elon Musk for “cozying up” to Trump.

Beryl Howell warned Elon Musk that he might be acting like a Trump supporter after Twitter-X refused to bow to this corrupt court.


Do not be fooled. This as a threat by the regime who are warning Elon Musk to shape up and join them or else.

CNBC reported:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com


DOJ and FBI subpoenaed for social media censorship records 

  • House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) subpoenaed the Department of Justice and FBI for documents on Thursday related to allegations they worked with social media companies to censor First Amendment-protected content, including the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020.
  • Jordan told Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray in letters accompanying the subpoenas, which were obtained by the Washington Examiner, that the documents would help his committee’s investigation into “how and the extent to which the Executive Branch has coerced and colluded with companies and other intermediaries to censor speech.” The chairman asked that both the DOJ and FBI provide him with all internal documents and communications involving the moderation, suppression, or removal of content on private companies’ platforms. He gave them a deadline of Sept. 15 to deliver the material.

Source: washingtonexaminer.com


Biden lets two-year anniversary of the fall of Kabul pass in silence 

  • Tuesday came and went, and with it, an opportunity for the Biden White House to commemorate the two-year anniversary of the fall of Kabul ahead of the completed U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  • Instead, President Joe Biden traveled to Milwaukee to deliver remarks on climate and his economic agenda. The failure to recognize what some consider the end of America’s longest war ran in stark contrast to many of Biden’s Republican opponents.

  Source: washingtonexaminer.com


The Writing Is on the Wall: Top NATO Official Says Ukraine Must Cede Territory in Peace Negotiations, Backtracks After Huge Backlash – But the Idea Is Here To Stay 

  • By now, everyone that’s paying attention has come to the same conclusion about the war in the Ukraine: Russian forces have the decisive upper hand, and if Kiev doesn’t sue for peace soon, the likelihood is that it will lose even more of its territory – may even cease do exist.
  • This is a hard truth for the Western apparatus, but it has steadily been gaining ground, as the hyped counteroffensive has not yielded any gains, and the military capabilities of NATO countries begin to get overextended with the looming possibility of conflict in Taiwan, in Korea, in Africa…
  • And so it happened that a top NATO advisor revealed a bit too much of what was in his mind, strayed from the official narrative, and was forced to dial down his comments and apologize.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

False Flags

New Covid variant BA.6 is ‘probably’ already in the US, experts warn – amid calls for masks to return

  • DailyMail.com spoke to scientists who warned BA.6 was already in the US

  • A new Covid variant that has prompted calls for face masks to return is ‘probably’ already in the US,
  • The mutant strain — known as BA.6 — has only officially been detected in Israel and Denmark, but several scientists said it will start showing up in tests in America ‘very soon’.

  • The mutant virus, which is a spinoff of the Omicron strain, has sparked concern among some scientists because of its high number of mutations in the spike protein, the piece of the virus that vaccines were designed to target.
  • The variant may make shots less effective if it has evolved to look different enough from its ancestor — though most experts argue no new strain will completely escape immunity from vaccines and prior infection.

Source: dailymail.co.uk

DC Court Admits That BLM Vandals Were Treated Better Than Pro-Life Protesters 

  • The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, DC just admitted something that millions of people already knew. Black Lives Matter radicals in DC were given special treatment, especially when compared to some pro-life protesters.
  • This is just one incident but it’s symbolic of a much bigger issue, the two-tiered justice system that punishes anything and everyone conservative much more harshly than people on the left.
  • We have seen this unfold over and over again in recent years.

  • Townhall reports:
  • DC Court Admits What We Already Knew About BLM Vandals Versus Pro-Life ProtestersThe U.S.
  •  In 2020, DC police arrested 2 pro-life protesters for chalking “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” but never arrested any BLM protesters for covering streets, sidewalks, and storefronts with paint and chalk.