X22 Report

The Cover Up Is Falling Apart, Blackmail, Trafficking, Treason Exposed, The Man In The Arena – Ep. 3113
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The climate activist are telling us one thing and their actions are doing the opposite, typical. Germany is in trouble, inflation and rate hikes. The people are feeling the economic pain. Will alternative currencies destroy the [CBDC] and fiat currency? It is starting to look like it, predictions of Bitcoin rising. The [DS] cover up is falling apart. The people can now see favoritism, two tiered justice system, they see the blackmail, child trafficking and treason, it is all being exposed and the people are now seeing the truth. Trump is the bait and they are going to deploy all assets, they will do everything to stop him, he is the man in the arena. He is drawing them all out so the patriots can strike.
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- NEW – La Dolce Vita in Italy: For visits to the countryside for lunch, dinner, or disco, “climate activist” Leonardo DiCaprio likes to take the helicopter from his luxury yacht, BILD reports.

Cash-Strapped Consumers Cut Back On Toilet Paper And Toothpaste
- Cash-strapped consumers are cutting back on personal hygiene products, according to Bloomberg. It’s yet another sign, after two years of negative real wage growth, depleted personal savings, and record amounts of credit card debt, the supposedly ‘strong’ consumer under ‘Bidenomics‘ continues to crack under the heavy weight of a once-in-a-generation inflation storm.
- Data from NIQ, which tracks retail sales, reveals consumers are decreasing their spending on personal hygiene products, like toilet paper, toothpaste, and laundry detergent. Sales for those items in the 52 weeks through June 24 were down 3% to 4%.
- “The strains that the consumer is under have been exacerbated over the last couple of months,” Morningstar analyst Erin Lash told Bloomberg. She noted a reduction in food assistance programs, lower tax returns, and the end of stimulus checks are some of the reasons for faltering consumers. Also, as we noted in the intro, inflation outpaces wage growth for two years and has crushed households, forcing many to drain savings and rack up enormous credit card debt in a high-rate environment.
Source: zerohedge.com
- the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced that Bank of America will be fined and required to compensate customers who had been harmed by the bank’s illegal and deceptive activities.
- The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has demanded that Bank of America pay more than $100 million to its customers for a series of illegal banking practices that include double-charging insufficient funds fees, withholding promised credit card rewards, and unauthorized opening of accounts using sensitive customer data.
- In addition to the CFPB’s order, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has deemed the bank’s double-dipping on fees as “illegal.” Consequently, the bank will be required to pay $90 million in penalties to the CFPB and an additional $60 million to the OCC.
- “Bank of America wrongfully withheld credit card rewards, double-dipped on fees, and opened accounts without consent,” said CFPB Director Rohit Chopra. “These practices are illegal and undermine customer trust. The CFPB will be putting an end to these practices across the banking system.”
Gallup Poll: Confidence in U.S. Banks Stood at 60 Percent in 1979. Today, It Stands at 26 Percent.
- Gallup, conducted a survey between June 1-22 to update its annual poll that measures the confidence that Americans have in key U.S. institutions. Banks, as might be expected, continued their downward trend, registering an abysmal 26 percent of Americans who have “a great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the banks. That confidence ranking stood at 27 percent last year and at 33 percent in 2021.
- Measured against a longer time horizon, confidence in U.S. banks looks far worse. In 1979, the Gallup poll showed 60 percent of Americans had confidence in the banks. In the years prior to the Wall Street financial crisis of 2008, roughly half of Americans had confidence in the banks. The 2008 crisis pulled back the dark curtain that had surrounded the mega banks on Wall Street, revealing them to be trading casinos on steroids, in drag as federally-insured banks.
Source: wallstreetonparade.com
- Beleaguered Bud Light has fallen out of the list of the country’s top ten favorite beers, according to a new poll
- The latest poll comes after a whole litany of problems for brewer Anheuser-Busch after they partnered
Source: dailymail.co.uk
Secret Service Baffled: Still No Suspect in White House Cocaine Scandal
- The Secret Service said there is still no suspect in the Biden White House cocaine scandal.
- They are completely baffled.
- But, gosh darnit, they will keep on looking for the culprit who left a bag of cocaine in the library, east wing, west wing, trafficked hallway, near Kamaala’s parking spot… They keep changing their story which is not suspicious at all.
- The Secret Service originally said the coke was found in the library. Then the story started changing.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
- Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) announced his committee is investigating the security failures at the White House that led to cocaine being found in the West Wing. In a letter sent on Friday to the director of the Secret Service, he requested a staff-level briefing on the matter.
- “The presence of illegal drugs in the White House is unacceptable and a shameful moment in the White House’s history,” Comer said in a statement on Friday. “Congress funds White House security procedures, and the Secret Service has a responsibility to maintain effective safety protocols. This incident and the eventual evacuation of staff now clearly raises concerns about the level of security maintained at the White House.”
Source: washingtonexaminer.com
7 Times Joe Biden Vowed to Restore ‘Integrity’ and ‘Decency’ to White House Before Cocaine Scandal
- Seven times before law enforcement found cocaine smuggled into the White House, President Joe Biden promised to restore “integrity” and “decency” to the presidency.
- 1) “It’s time we bring integrity back to the White House,” Biden announced on his Twitter page on August 20, 2020. He then went on to call out former President Trump’s “lack of integrity,” explaining that:
I will put the INTEGRITY of my whole CAREER IN PUBLIC SERVICE to this nation up against Trump’s LACK OF INTEGRITY any day of the week.
2) In October 2020, Biden teamed up with Vice President Kamala Harris in Phoenix to kick off their campaign bus tour, and, as she posted on her Twitter page, “to fight for our democracy and bring integrity back to the White House”:
3) In January 2020, Biden posted a video of an exchange between supporter “Vicky” and himself at a campaign event, along with the quote, “Like Vicky said, we need a president who will restore integrity to the White House.”
4) ABC News proudly posted a picture of Biden on their December 19, 2019, Twitter post along with a quote from Biden prefaced with the statement, “Joe Biden says [Trump’s] impeachment was a ‘constitutional necessity.’” The quote from Biden read:
“We need to restore the integrity of the presidency, of the office of the presidency … my job is to just go out and make the case why [Trump] doesn’t deserve to be president.”
5) In October 2019, Biden stated that, “President Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in modern American history,” and continued, saying:
It’s got to end.
We must restore integrity to our government and ensure our elected officials work for all Americans — not just the powerful.
6) “We need to restore honor and decency to the White House,” Biden said on September 6, 2020:
7) In October 2021, Biden explained:
I ran for president for three reasons: To restore the soul and decency of our country. To rebuild our economy from the bottom up and the middle out. And to help unite our country.
We’re on the right track — but there’s still work to be done.
Source: breitbart.com
- The Department of Justice has announced multiple indictments against Dr. Gal Luft, the Israeli-American co-director of a Maryland think tank who gained notoriety as the “missing witness” in the investigation into Joe Biden’s corruption. The New York Post recently shared a video of Luft wherein he broke down allegations against Biden and claimed that he had been arrested to prevent him from testifying to the House Oversight Committee with damning evidence against the first family.Now, long after coming out as a whistleblower, Luft himself has been charged by the Biden DOJ for allegedly engaging in “multiple serious schemes” involving the Chinese and Iranians alongside a “former high-ranking US Government official.” The charges include numerous offenses related to failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, arms trafficking, Iranian sanctions violations, and making false statements to federal agents.
- According to the DOJ, Luft allegedly “subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking U.S. Government official, acted as a broker in deals for dangerous weapons and Iranian oil, and he told multiple lies about his crimes to law enforcement.”The agency explained that Luft had allegedly conspired with others to “advance the interests of the People’s Republic of China … as agents of China-based principals, without registering as foreign agents as required under US law.
Source: thepostmillenial.com
- Unreal – now Biden and his crooked DOJ are not only arresting their political opponents but also whistleblowers who expose their crimes.
- The New York Post’s Steven Nelson wanted to know why the Justice Department indicted Gal Luft on FARA charges but spared Hunter Biden.
3. Mr. Shapley’s boss confirmed the accuracy of those notes in a follow up email. (Also below)
4. Weiss is now changing his tune about having the authority to bring charges and is quibbling about what type of authority status he sought out instead.
5. Weiss acknowledged Gary Shapley as a whistleblower.
6. Weiss also acknowledged that the FD-1023 form alleging then-VP Biden and Hunter received $5M each as part of a bribery scheme with a Burisma executive is part of an ongoing investigation.
Most Major Film Critics Boycotting ‘Sound of Freedom’ Despite Massive Box Office Success: No Reviews from New York Times, Los Angeles Times
- The vast majority of major film critics are boycotting Sound of Freedom, with outlets including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Hollywood Reporter declining to run reviews of the recently released anti-child-trafficking drama starring Jim Caviezel.
- Among major news outlets, only Variety, Rolling Stone, and RogerEbert.com have reviewed the movie since it opened on July 4.
- For the weekend, the movie ranked No. 3 at the box office with $18.2 million, again surpassing Indy 5 in terms of per-screen averages.
Source: breitbart.com
- Why did the DOJ remove “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution” from the Department of Justice website under Child Sex Trafficking?
- The Biden administration removed these sections on May 12, 2023.
- Why would they remove these important sections?
- This snapshot was taken on April 21, 2023.
- Before the change:
- April 21, 2023 (Includes “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution“)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20230421232507/https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/child-sex-trafficking
- (Also on Archive.ph on Feb. 2, 2023: https://archive.li/zIAzT)
- Then on May 28, 2023 the Biden Department of Justice removed the language for “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution.“
May 28, 2023 (Does not include “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors” and “Child Victims of Prostitution“)
‘America’s Darkest Secret’: Sex Trafficking, Child Abuse and the Biden Administration
According to Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services whistleblower, in testimony before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement on April 26:
“Whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the US Government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.”
She described the practice as “modern-day slavery”.
“Today, children will work overnight shifts at slaughterhouses, factories, restaurants to pay their debts to smugglers and traffickers. Today, children will be sold for sex. Today, children will call a hotline to report the are being abused, neglected, and trafficked…..
“I must confess; I knew nothing about their suffering until 2021 when I volunteered to help the Biden Administration with the crisis at the Southern Border. As part of Operation Artemis, I was deployed to the Pomona Fairplex Emergency Intake Site in California to help the HHS [Department of Health and Human Services] Office of Refugee Resettlement reunite children with sponsors in the US.
“I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes. Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with being recruited in home country, smuggled to the US border, and ends when ORR [Office of Refugee Resettlement] delivers a child to a Sponsors – some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of Transnational Criminal Organizations. Some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income – this is why we are witnessing an explosion of labor trafficking.
“…. I want to see the children protected, so I want to tell you some what I witnessed at the Pomona Fairplex:
- I saw vulnerable indigenous children from Guatemala who speak Mayan dialects and can’t speak Spanish. That means they can’t ask for help in English and they can’t ask for help in Spanish. These children become captive to their Sponsors.
- I’ve sat with Case Managers as they cried retelling horrific things that were done to children on the journey.
- I saw apartment buildings where 20, 30 & 40 unaccompanied children have been released.
- I saw sponsors trying to simultaneously sponsor children from multiple ORR sites.
- I saw sponsors using multiple addresses to obtain sponsorships of children.
- I saw numerous cases of children in debt bondage and the child knew they had to stay with the sponsor until the debt was paid.
“Realizing that we were not offering children the American dream, but instead putting them into modern-day slavery with wicked overlords was a terrible revelation.”
Rodas added that after she went public, her bosses retaliated against her.
“They threatened me with an investigation. They walked me off the emergency intake site in Texas and took my badge. It is a terrible thing when you blow the whistle to try to save children and you’re retaliated against for trying to help. The HHS [The United States Department of Health and Human Services] did everything they could to keep all of this silent.”
Source: gatestone.com
What if the those working in the FBI,DHS,CDC,DOJ all have this same problem, could these people be blackmailed
Jul 02, 2020 1:53:00 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e67d38 No. 9827385
Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?
Financed by who or what [F] entities?
1. [Primary] gather BLACKMAIL on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.
2. Feed an addiction [controllable] Maxwell family background?
Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?
Sometimes it’s the people in the background that are of greater significance.
Oct 15, 2020 12:15:30 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e696 No. 11085145
NAT SEC concerns re: BLACKMAIL [gain control] of J. Biden by Russia, China and/or other foreign [or domestic] entities? US Intel apparatus [reports?]?
Clear and Present Danger?
Jul 12, 2019 10:26:09 AM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 69f914 No. 7011225
[New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]
Jul 12, 2019 11:07:25 AM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 917868 No. 7012019
Anons know.
Geopolitical/Police State
- Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has issued a formal call for Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify before the State’s Human Trafficking Council. This follows a revealing report that highlights Meta platforms – Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger – as the most frequently used by human traffickers.
- According to the letter from Moody, out of 271 reported instances of social media usage in human trafficking, 146, or over 53%, were linked to Meta platforms – Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. This figure is dramatically higher than that of the second most-used platform, Snapchat, which was implicated in just 19 cases.
Citizen Free Press@CitizenFreePress

Almost 40% of US Attack Submarines Out of Commission
- More than a third of U.S. submarines are out of commission due to ship-building delays, according to data released by the Congressional Research Service.
- Thirty-seven percent of the U.S. Navy’s attack submarines—18 out of 49—are out of commission for repairs, up from 12 boats a decade ago. The Congressional Research Service said the backlog was due to “insufficient numbers of workers and facility constraints” at naval shipyards as well as “supply chain issues,” saying that the delays have cut the “force’s capacity for meeting day-to-day mission demands and potentially putting increased operational pressure” on active boats.
- The statistic demonstrates the extent of U.S. naval unpreparedness for a potential war with China. China’s Navy is the largest in the world and is expected to grow to 440 “battle force” ships by 2030, while the United States will sit at 290 battle force ships the same year. Dozens of Pentagon war games published last month revealed the United States is unprepared for a “horrifically bloody” war with China.
- The Biden administration’s 2024 budget proposal asked for sharp budget cuts to the Navy and the premature retirement of eight ships and two combat vessels, the Washington Free Beacon reported. Sending these ships to an early retirement would remove more than 600 vertical missile launch systems.
- Turkey finally approved Sweden’s NATO membership after the two countries issued a joint statement pledging to fight against the terrorist group PKK and reinvigorate Turkey’s accession into the EU, Reuters reported. The Biden administration approved the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey a day later.
- The Biden administration approved the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey after the country approved Sweden’s NATO bid on Monday.
- President Biden said he has been “anxiously” waiting for Sweden to join the NATO alliance in a meeting with the country’s prime minister last week. He told reporters on Tuesday that he was “not at all” surprised that Turkey finally gave up blocking Sweden’s bid, according to Fox News.
- So Vlad just met with the still head of Wagner merc group in downtown St. Petersberg… remember the guy the fake news mafia said was working to overthrow Putin, and i said this the- some coup
False Flags
- The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released its interim report on the efforts of U.S. public health officials and their international associates to cover up the origins of the novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2.
- According to the subcommittee authors, led by Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), the actions of scientific researchers, in consultation with public health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Francis Collins, the former Director of the National Institutes of Health, and Sir Jeremy Farrar, the former director of the Wellcome Trust and now chief scientist at the World Health Organization, skewed the results of its medical research on the virus’s origins to discredit the view that it was likely from a laboratory leak as that of a “conspiracy theory.”
- This was intended to cover-up the likelihood that the virus had mutated as the result of gain-of-function research, or alternatively, serial passage among laboratory animals, and had escaped the lab, even if it had happened unintentionally, the subcommittee authors argued.
Source: beckernews.com
Source: thehill.com
- “Ron DeSanctimonious is DESPERATELY to get out of the Presidential race…”
- “Much of the money being used was raised for his Gubernatorial race, & transferred over (illegally?) because his Presidential donors have largely fled DO TO his terrible, & still falling, poll numbers.”
- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
- “They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 & DESPERATELY attempting to censor now DUE TO CIA cash infusions.”

- Newly released documents confirm what millions of Americans have believed for years now. That members of the Obama administration actively did what they could to sabotage the incoming Trump administration in 2016.
- People like General Flynn were targted through the process of unmasking and more.
- The heavily redacted documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
- From the Daily Signal:
- Heavily redacted documents from the National Security Agency tell at least part of the story of a final-month rush by the outgoing Obama administration to torpedo the incoming presidency of Donald Trump.The Daily Signal obtained 217 pages of documents from the NSA through a Freedom of Information Act request. The documents reveal that Obama administration officials, from Vice President Joe Biden down to several ambassadors and many officials in the Treasury and Energy departments, gained access to secret information about Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President-elect Trump’s choice for national security adviser…Three top Obama administration officials who gained access to the Flynn information are now high-ranking officials in the Biden administration.Denis McDonough, Obama’s chief of staff for his entire second term, is now secretary of veterans affairs under Biden.Samantha Power, Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations, made numerous requests for information on Flynn. In the Biden administration, Power is administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development.And Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, deputy secretary at Obama’s Energy Department, has been Biden’s homeland security adviser since he took office.The Flynn-related requests from Obama administration officials were all made during late November and December of 2016…Obama’s ambassador to Italy, John Phillips, also gained access to information about Flynn, as did his top staff.National security and law enforcement officials in the Obama administration—including FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and National Intelligence Director James Clapper—might be expected to have access.
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Grand Jurors Who Will Consider Trump Charges in Georgia to be Selected
- Grand jurors who will consider charges against President Trump in Georgia will be selected today
- Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis recently said she will announce this summer whether she will charge Trump with crimes in the investigation into Trump’s effort to challenge Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results.
- Fani Willis told the Fulton County Sheriff to prepare for increased security at the Fulton County Courthouse between July 11 and September 1.
- It appears Willis is expecting the grand jury to unseal indictments against Trump in August.
Trump seeks trial delay until after 2024 vote
- Lawyers for former US President Donald Trump have demanded his federal trial on charges of mishandling classified documents be delayed until after the 2024 election. In a court filing on Monday, they argued the “extraordinary” nature of the case requires a meticulous pace rather than an “expedited” one.
Dan Scavin@DanScavino

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