What to Say When Things Get Tough

What to Say When Things Get Tough

Latest Episodes

Elephant Traps - Part 2
March 10, 2021

Elephant Traps - Part 2
March 10, 2021

We continue our discussion of traps that can trip you up in difficult situations. This week, we tackle the hedges trap, the guarantee trap, the worst-case scenario trap and the dishonesty/deception tr

Elephant Traps - Part 1
February 24, 2021

An old African proverb holds that when an elephant steps in a trap, no more trap. Since we're not elephants, we need to prepare for traps that we may fall into inadvertently -- or that someone may del

Elephant Traps - Part 1
February 24, 2021

The Seven Cardinal Rules
February 12, 2021

Back in the spring of 1988, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a short pamphlet entitled Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication. It quickly became, and remains to this day, one of

The Seven Cardinal Rules
February 12, 2021

Keep Calm and Get A Tutor
January 27, 2021

Making sure our kids don't fall behind in their studies has been a challenge for millions of parents in the age of coronavirus, and many have turned to tutors for help. Our guest today is Gabrielle Cr

Keep Calm and Get A Tutor
January 27, 2021

Fifth Dimension Personality
January 13, 2021

Our guest today is Daniel Bruce Levin, who describes himself as a fifth dimension personality. Over the course of a very eventful life, Daniel has hitchhiked around the world, come within one day of b
