What to Say When Things Get Tough

The Earth Lady
Our guest today is Izolda Trakhtenberg, and expert in communicating in difficult situations and a sought-after speaker, educator, and coach for businesses and organizations looking to thrive. And as you'll learn, while we just met last week, we've run in the same circles for many years.
You can learn more about Izolda on her website at www.izoldaspeaks.com. There you can read her blog, access her podcast, The Creative Solutions Podcast, and order one of her books, including the most recent, Speak from Within: How to Engage and Inspire Any Audience Whether You're Talking to One or One Thousand.
As always, thank you to Jim Cirillo at jimiumgroup.com for our original music and to Rachel Greenberger for our original art.
Please send questions to wtswtgt@gmail.com and follow us on Twitter at #wtswtgt.