Writing and Podcasting Advice

Writing and Podcasting Advice

Finding Joy in Tough Times #7

September 05, 2024
Transformed by God's Grace

Ruth: Transformed by God’s Grace

Finding Joy in Tough Times ~ Transformed by God’s Grace Episode #7

If your life needs transformation, consider reading the Book of Ruth. In Ruth,  God  transforms each of our characters powerfully and wants to do the same for us. God’s faithfulness can bring triumph out of tragedies, restoration from waywardness, and blessing out of loss. The Book of Ruth should always remind us that God is sovereign and working behind the scenes, bringing about transformation and miracles when we turn to him, return to him, and follow Him, especially in times of discouragement and crisis. Today, we will cover these points.

The Family

  • The beautiful, gracious, and even joyous Naomi, according to the meaning of her name suffers great loss. (Ruth 1-3)
  • Elimelech and family left Bethlehem, meaning house of bread to find more bread during the famine.
  • Naomi’s husband died and the two sons married Moabite wives – Orpah and Ruth.
  • They lived in Moab about ten years, and both sons died.
  • In Ruth 1:16, Ruth made a declaration of loyalty to Naomi and the God of Israel -it changed her life forever.

Naomi Becomes Mara but returns to Naomi

  • Naomi said, “Do not call me Naomi [pleasant, gracious, joyous]. Call me Mara [bitter], for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. 21 I went away full, and the Lord has brought me back empty…the Lord has afflicted me, and the Almighty has brought calamity upon me?” (Ruth 1: 19)
  • Ruth returned home after gleaning in Boaz’ fields with 30 pounds of grain.
  • Naomi praises and blesses the Lord again; joy returns.
  • Naomi sees God’s footsteps in their lives: Boaz to become the kinsman redeemer and agrees to marry Ruth and become her kinsman redeemer.

Boaz, a Messianic Type of Christ

  • Boaz’s loving-kindness shadows God’s love sent to us in Jesus Christ.
  • As the kinsman redeemer, Boaz was a Christ-like figure.

Ruth, the “Worthy Woman”

  • Boaz described Ruth as one known as a “worthy woman” among the people. (Ruth 3:11)
  • These exact words appear in Proverbs 31: 10-31.
  • She is foremost “a woman who fears the Lord” and “to be praised” (v. 30).
  • Boaz, her husband, was “known in the city gates when he sits among the elders in the land” (v. 23).
  • “Her children rise and bless her; her husband too, her husband also, he praises her” (v. 28), as seen in the record of Matthew 1: 5 where she will be praised and remembered forever as a great-grandmother of King David and member of Christ’s lineage.

The Marriage, the Lineage of David and Jesus Christ

  • JOY multiplies for Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz as the town’s women pray a blessing over their lives and new life  Obed (Ruth 4).
  • Boaz and Ruth are in the lineage of David (Ruth 4: 18-22) and of Jesus (Matthew 1).
  • Once a prostitute and Canaanite, Boaz’s mother was Rahab, who helped Joshua’s spies.


  • Blessing Prayers are themes of Ruth, and there are seven recorded blessings.
  • Blessings are one of five types of prayer : 1) blessing or adoration, 2) petition, 3) intercession, 4) thanksgiving, and 5) praise .
  • A blessing for another proclaims God’s goodness, kindness, and power and it includes a petition asking God to share His goodness, power, compassion, and favor to change a situation.
  • Ruth includes blessings of Naomi praising God and asking for the daughters-in-law, Boaz blessing and praying for Ruth, the neighbors blessing and praying for Naomi, Ruth Boaz and Obed (Ruth 1: 17, 2:4, 12; 2:19–20; 3:10, 4:11-12, 14).

God is the HERO of RUTH!

  • Ultimately, God is the hero of the Book of Ruth.
  • God directs each detail and composes everything according to His divine purpose.
  • God’s grace leads us beyond the short span of our lives- He blesses us in our earthly lives and uses us to impact our immediate sphere and generation, as well as those in the generations to come.
  • Let’s remember to look to God in impossible situations and allow him to impact the next generation through our witness and loving-kindness.


Consider hosting a weekly one-hour Cup of Joy small group study accompanying each podcast series: 1) Esther for This Time, 2) Seek & Find Joy, 3) Joyful & Battle-ready (Dressing in the Armor of God), 4)Nehemiah0 Rebuilding Hope & Joy, 5) Ruth – Finding Joy in Tough Times and 6) A Joyous Advent.  Read more (here) on hosting a CUP of JOY Women or Cup of JOY Gathering small group.  It’s free, and I will send you the materials you need for the one-hour discussion and study.

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The post Finding Joy in Tough Times #7 appeared first on Ultimate Christian Podcast Radio Network.