The Writer Who Reads

The Writer Who Reads

EPISODE 20: SALON SERIES – Spiritualism Part I

October 30, 2024

In this inaugural episode of the Salon Series, we’re learning about the Spiritualism movement of the late 19th / early 20th centuries and introduce our Salon attendees Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Emma Hardinge Britten, and Rebecca Cox Jackson.

Listen on ITunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on the blog. Comments and ratings are appreciated on all platforms!


Essay Review: Science, Religion, and the Spiritual World: The other World: Spiritualism and Psychical Research in England, 1850–1914 (link)The Rise of Spiritualism During the First World War: Raymond, Or Life and Death (link)The Fox Sisters and the Rap on Spiritualism (link)Brittanica Spiritualism (link)The Banner of Light, The Boston Investigator, The New-York Times, The Brooklyn Eagle (link)The Unseen Worlds of Emma Hardinge Britten: Some Chapters in the History of Western Occultism: The Unseen Worlds of Emma Hardinge Britten (link)Poetry Foundation Ella Wheeler Wilcox (link)Wisconsin Electric Reader – Ella Wheeler Wilcox (link)Wisconsin Lit Map (link)QSpirit: The Two Rebeccas (link)Holy Spirits: The Power and Legacy of America’s Female Spiritualists (link)Gifts of Power: Writings of Rebecca Cox Jackson (link)How the Nineteenth-Century Spiritualist Movement Gave Voice to American Women (link)Spiritual Paths Spiritualist Church: Emma Hardinge Britten & The Seven Principles (link)Rules to Be Observed When Forming Spiritual Circles by Emma Hadinge and Others (link)Ectoplasm (Paranormal) (link)The Color of Angels: Spiritualism in American Literary Culture (link)PBS: Rebecca Cox jackson (link)Review: Rebecca Cox Jackson and the Uses of Power (link)PBS: About the Shakers (link)

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