The Writer Who Reads

The Writer Who Reads

Podcast 007.1: Mary P Burrill

March 27, 2018


In this episode, we look into the compelling world view and craftmanship of playwright Mamie Burrill—a woman who used the art of drama to incite powerful social and moral debates during the early twentieth-century.

We analyze one of her plays as part of our “Femininity” theme and discuss timely topics like reproductive rights, cultural expectations of womanhood and classism.

Please join us as we try to read a little more, write a little better, and explore the human condition—together.

Listen on ITunes, Stitcher, Castbox, or right here. Comments and ratings are appreciated on all platforms!

Reading: They That Sit In Darkness


A Representative Tragedy of African American Women, B.N. Wakchaure

Aphrodite’s Daughters, Maureen Honey

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