Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

Coffee Break 063: Monica Leonelle
February 19, 2018

Is there a correlation between an author's word count or financial success and the quality of a book? Monica Leonelle has a few things to say about that!

Coffee Break 062: Matthew Brough
February 12, 2018

Writer, pastor, and podcaster Matthew Brough talks about baby steps, the ups and downs of self publishing, and how he helped his 70-year-old mother publish her first novel.

Coffee Break 061: Bob Stromberg
February 05, 2018

Bob Stromberg shares the secrets of living a creative life, taking control of your "muse", and rediscovering the creativity of your childhood.

Coffee Break 060: Erin Pringle
February 01, 2018

Short story author Erin Pringle shares how loss and grief spurred her to publish, as well as the therapeutic and calming power of creative writing.

Coffee Break 059: Joseph Bendoski
January 22, 2018

Thriller author and podcaster Joseph Bendoski talks literary psychology, media manipulation, and the prehistoric survival instincts of storytelling.

Coffee Break 058: Audrey Knapp
January 15, 2018

Can you gain readers by supporting other authors? Can you make money marketing on social media? Can you successfully self publish? Audrey Knapp thinks so!

Coffee Break 057: Alan Alda
January 07, 2018

Alan Alda talks about innovative communication methods, the benefits of empathy and listening, and the joys of life's unexpected interruptions.

Coffee Break 056: Win Charles, Cerebral Palsy, and the Writing Life
January 01, 2018

Win Kelly Charles was born with Cerebral Palsy, but she has never let it stop her from achieving her dream of writing and publishing books.

Coffee Break 055: Corey Vilhauer
December 04, 2017

What do writers do when they're not working on their novels? Corey Vilhauer is glad you asked! Let's talk about online journalism, copyediting, and UX!

Coffee Break 054: Helen Scheuerer
November 16, 2017

Fantasy author Helen Scheuerer explains how exercise, daily routine, and group critiques fuel her writing and helped publish her latest novel.