Wrestling with God Show

Wrestling with God Show

Ep1 What to Expect from Us

March 04, 2020

Meet Irish and Father Len as they reveal what it means to “wrestle with God” and why we all should do it. They also manage to poke a little fun at each other while unveiling the specific stuff they’re likely to grapple with God about in future episodes.

Highlights, Ideas, and Wisdom

The troubling trend that inspired the “Wrestling with God Show.”
The surprising similarity between atheists and people who describe themselves as “spiritual, but not religious.”
Life is full of mystery that we can’t ever explain in human terms so we can completely understand it.
Religion is not supposed to give us absolute certainty about life. It’s supposed to give us mystery and cause us to question everything in our lives. Good religion causes us to ask more and better questions.
God is life. Wrestling with God is wrestling with life.
God wants us to wrestle with him about meaningful things in life – the existence of God, faith, hope, love including sex, children, belonging, identity, authenticity, death, the afterlife.
God made us and we try to return the compliment by making God in our image. Humanlike. Doing that is refusing to wrestle with God. It turns God into an idol that we can control rather than trying to understand what God really is.
It’s very human for us to struggle with our identity because we’re always deceiving ourselves. Our identities are always evolving, hopefully for the better. That’s a choice.
We should be willing to challenge our ideas and beliefs. If we don’t, how do we know if our thinking is clear?
Life is a constant journey of discovery, the search for truth, meaning and purpose. Our hope for the “Wrestling with God Show” is to find peace in the chaos of life and discover who we’re really meant to be.