Wrestling with God Show

Ep102 Beware of Judgmentalism
Father Len exposes the scam of judgmentalism and reveals the value of critical and objective judgment of our own attitudes and behaviors.
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Highlights, Ideas, and Wisdom
- People are often harsh on other people for the very sins that they themselves commit.
- “In 33 years of priesthood, I’ve observed that those who love to condemn and love to be judgmental really are the worst sinners. The reason they are so judgmental is really a scam. It’s a shtick of misdirection to get a whole group of people to condemn others and to portray themselves as good and rigidly moral in hopes nobody examines them and discovers their sins.” – Father Len
We welcome your questions and comments:
- Email: irish@wwgproductions.org
- Text or voicemail: 208-391-3738
Links to More Podcasts from Wrestling with God Productions
- Life Lessons from Jesus and the Church He Founded: http://LifeLessonsfromJesus.org
- A Priest’s Life: https://idahovocations.com/resources/video-podcasts/