Worth Your Salt

Worth Your Salt

Latest Episodes

Grow Your Health & Wellness Business Through Podcast Guesting
September 07, 2023

If you're the kind of health and wellness pro that loves building relationships, podcast guesting may be the perfect way to help you grow and scale. But getting on other people's podcasts can be daunt

Building an Epic Team and Culture For Your Health & Wellness Business
August 31, 2023

One of the most challenging aspects of growing a business is hiring the right people, and building a team and strong company culture that supports that growth. Despite the fact that a wealth of inform

Profit First for Wellness Practitioners
August 24, 2023

If youve never heard of the Profit First method, its an approach to cash flow management that helps entrepreneurs ensure they make a profit and are paid.. Originally published back in 2014, Mike M

Why Your Website Isn’t Working For You
August 17, 2023

Do you ever look at your website and just feel like it is kind of "meh"? The information is all there, but it isn't actually doing what you NEED it to do. Sarah Juliusson, The Website Doula, has help

Is Blogging Dead?
August 10, 2023

We hear a lot of entrepreneurs say I know I should start a blog, but. I dont have time, I dont have the energy, it sounds like too much work, I dont know what to write about" and with the huge

Building A Website That Serves Your Health & Wellness Business: Vivienne Wagner of WebWiskee
August 03, 2023

If you've ever been faced with building out your own website, you may have felt trapped between two options: doing it yourself, using an inflexible website-builder that might not serve your needs long

How SEO & AI Are Transforming Small Business
July 27, 2023

Remember when mastering search engine optimization was relatively straightforward? You just needed to create helpful content, target specific keywords, earn backlinks from reputable sources, and voil

Network Alliances to Grow Your Practice: Laura Dantoni of Gate City Health
July 20, 2023

Going it alone in health and wellness is a tough road. While you may have a network of industry contacts, forming network alliances to grow your practice can provide a wealth of resources and benefit

How To Get Your Groove Back – Jessica Scully, PaleoScaleo.com
July 13, 2023

Have you ever lost your groove as a business owner? Once your health or wellness business is established, it can be easy to lose the momentum you once had, that passion for growth that made you start

How to Find The Right Agency For You
July 06, 2023

Hiring a marketing agency can save you money, time, and lead to success by giving you access to professionals who know the industry inside and out. Rather than having to hire an in-house team of marke