Mel & Floyd

Latest Episodes
Mummies Smell Nice!
This week on Mel & Floyd: Warren G. Hardings claim to fame; More on Elons outrages; And other random topics.
Picking Kernels of Corn out of the Turd of Reality
This week on Mel & Floyd:An American version of The Commissar Vanishes; Rooting out supposed anti-Christian bias and the positive side of throwing them to the lions; MTG wants []
An Action Film About Ice Fishing!!
This week on Mel & Floyd:Snacks, chocolate milk & a nap for Pants; An early film festival visit from Nathan & David, directors of an ice fishing film; Bizarre new []
All Hail the Leader!
This week on Mel & Floyd: Smarty Pants reports on happenings in D.C.; And other random topics.
Blatant Shark Petting
This week on Mel & Floyd:Floyd takes a break from his assignment while Smarty Pants observes the end of civilization; The two beers and a puppy test; In-hog-ural moves indoors []
The Inchoate Madness at the Center of the Universe
This week on Mel & Floyd: Smarty Pants to Attend Coronation; US banks paying tribute to Mafia Don; And other random topics.
Schrodinger’s Caravan
This week on Mel & Floyd: Right wingers now have faith in electoral process; And other random topics.
One of the Most Popular Dishes in the Cafeteria
This week on Mel & Floyd: Vaccination-induced insomnia and doctor-prescribed Mel & Floyd; And other random topics.
Bipedalism Is Overrated
This week on Mel & Floyd: Floyds Frosty the Snowman recitation gets musical accompaniment; And other random topics.
Some Minimal Level of Communication
This week on Mel & Floyd: Pants car runs on good thoughts & leaves while Mels is powered by road rage; And other random topics.