Worship Interludes - Piano Instrumentals for Prayer, Meditation, Soaking Worship, Relaxation, Study,

Worship Interludes - Piano Instrumentals for Prayer, Meditation, Soaking Worship, Relaxation, Study,


July 14, 2020

Humility – Piano Instrumental Improvisation Background Music

This morning I was reflecting on the attribute of humility. Scripture tells us that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble”. (James 4:6). I’m not sure what you may believe about God. But for me, although I realize God is loving, I certainly do not wish to be on the receiving end of God’s opposition.

Humility is a way of admitting that we are in need. Humility is a way of lowering oneself so that another can be lifted up. I was stirred recently while reading a book by the author Francis Chan. He was talking about prayer and how badly we needed to be praying. He said that when we fail to pray, we are essentially lacking humility and operating in pride because our lack of prayer suggests we have it figured out.

What a convicting message! I’ve often found myself in auto-pilot mode and my prayers had no life. This morning I decided to change up my routine and take some extra time to pray. I didn’t have a long list of requests – I simply asked for God to give me grace as I humbled myself. I prayed for forgiveness for the pride in my heart and the many ways that I live my life in such a way that suggests to God that I don’t need Him in my life. Finally, I prayed for eyes to see myself the way that God sees me.

What are you praying for today? I hope that you will also embrace humility.

Finally, do you need rest? As I completed this song this morning I put on my headphones and played it back. Wouldn’t you know, I fell asleep. In such a short time, I was sleeping. I’ve often said that I find it to be a compliment if you fall asleep listening to my music.

May the peace of God and His great grace rest upon you as you listen today.

Listen to “Humility” Piano Instrumental Interlude by Fred McKinnon

Watch the “Humility” Piano Instrumental Interlude Video

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