

How We're Different with Dr. Margarida Rafael - Clinical Psychologist with Workzinga

June 24, 2022
Successful Recruiting Strategies Start With Culture
Today, companies are not just interviewing candidates. Candidates are also interviewing companies.

The days of hiring for hard skills is a thing of the past.

Today, we are hiring people that align with our company culture and that will help create and inspire productivity and creativity and align with our hybrid teams.

Margarida leads our Assessments Team at Workzinga.

When she’s not talking stats and PSY101 with our team, she runs her private practice in Portugal, helping her patients in North America and Canada. Margarida has been published / co-authored in five academic journals. In short, she’s consistently striving to learn more about people and their why.

Imagine what type of interview you would have if you knew, based on a comprehensive 26-characteristic alignment report – where your company and the prospective candidate(s) align with your company culture.

We all want to hire for a strong culture fit.

Now, you can!


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