Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

[100K METHOD #8]: The Email Sequence that Will DOUBLE Your Passive Income

February 20, 2023

When you use a graphic design software - Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva, etc - you can change the size of an object by grabbing the little handles on the corner and dragging them, making the object smaller or larger. This is called scaling. To scale an object is to change its size.

Businesses can be scaled as well.

You might start out as a one person show, doing everything yourself with limited capacity, only able to serve a few clients per month. But by implementing various systems, using software, and building a team of people to help you, you can scale your business by expanding your capacity and increasing your income.

Today, you’ll learn about a simple automated email sequence you can create in 8 hours or less that can double your income. This is Work Less, Earn More at its finest.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Why webinars are a key piece of the $100K funnel
  • Why following up with the people who didn’t say yes right away can DOUBLE your sales
  • The seven emails we send in the 72 hours after the webinar that get people to say yes to your offer
  • Two email marketing providers that will save you money as your list grows

Learn more about Gillian:
