Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 137: How to Develop a Social Media Strategy: Step-by-Step Tutorial

October 03, 2022

If you’re running a business these days, it’s pretty much standard that you’ll do some kind of social media marketing.

But the unfortunate truth is that most small business owners don’t have any real strategy for their social marketing. They’re just randomly posting content or trying to copy their competitors.

The end result? They don’t see any impact on their bottom line and it becomes a massive waste of time.

Today, I’m going to share the process that I use to develop our social media strategy every year, which has grown our audience to over one million followers. It’s also the strategy we teach inside Startup Society, that helps members develop social media strategies for their businesses.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • The two biggest mistakes people make when they’re creating a social media strategy for the first time
  • Why you need to get as specific as possible with your goals for your social media presence
  • Why you should review the actual data on your past and current posts’ performance rather than relying on your own impressions
  • Why going to the platform where your customers are isn’t necessarily the best advice
  • The two systems you need to stay consistent with your strategy

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