Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 116: What I Would Do If I Had To Start Over

May 02, 2022

What would I do if I lost my whole business?

If my email list got deleted and my YouTube channel was shut down? If my website was erased and maybe even my professional reputation was lost, how would I start over from zero? 

What would I do first? How would I make my first sale? How would I get the momentum I would need to grow a new business into a reliable source of income?

Here's what I do. If I had to start over.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • What type of work I’d look for and how I would pursue clients
  • What my first goal would be
  • Why I would still choose quality over quantity when creating content
  • How I’d start planning to scale up

Learn more about Gillian:
