Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 102: 7 Simple Business Models For Small Business Owners with guest host, Tara McMullin

January 17, 2022

When I started working on starting my online business, it was because I was running away from the business that I already had.

Essentially, I was breaking up with my current business and my online business was a bit of a rebound. What I wanted out of my online business was flexibility and freedom. I wanted to know how to make as much money with as little effort as possible and in those rebound days, I was susceptible to anything that sounded like what I was looking for.

It wasn't until I was well into the process of building my business that I realized there were some things about the business model I had inadvertently chosen that I wasn't all that fond of or that there were other options out there.

Over the next several episodes, I'm going to be interviewing a series of online business owners about their business models, how their businesses make money, their biggest expenses, how much time their businesses take to run, how big or small their teams are and more.

To start this series off, I'm bringing on my friend, business mentor and podcast producer, Tara McMullin. In this episode, Tara breaks down seven simple business models for small business owners.

Tara McMullin is a coach, community builder, podcaster, producer, and writer. She’s the founder of What Works, a digital platform for small business owners who are building strong, resilient, and sustainable companies. She’s also the co-founder of YellowHouse.Media, a podcast production agency that helps entrepreneurs create standout podcasts that grow their businesses. Tara’s podcast, What Works, has been downloaded over 2 million times and boasts over 300 interviews with thriving small business owners.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Why getting clear on your business model helps your business become more sustainable, resilient and easier to run
  • How keeping it simple can actually generate more revenue with fewer expenses
  • Seven simple business models with real-life examples and a breakdown of the math behind the revenue
  • Plus two models for physical product-based businesses
  • Key questions to consider when choosing a business model

Learn more about Tara McMullin:

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