Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

Bonus Week #3: 30,000+ Courses Sold In Just 18 Months (and With a Small Audience!) with Lucy Griffiths

January 05, 2022

To celebrate our reaching 100 episodes of Work Less, Earn More, I’m revisiting some of my favorite episodes all this week.

I went all the way back to the very first episode and pulled out the ones that stood out to me as must-listens, ones that I think even if you've heard them before, they would be worth listening to again. Then I had to narrow it down from 20 or so episodes to 5.

To do that, I needed a theme or a topic, and I landed on doing a whole week of episodes all about funnels and launching.

Today I'm bringing you an interview that I did with my friend, Lucy Griffiths, who has a truly incredible evergreen sales funnel set up that sold over 30,000 copies of one of her courses in just 18 months!

Whether you’re just starting to set up funnels or you have one running you want to improve, listen in as Lucy shares the dirt on how she set it up and how it works.

Lucy Griffiths went from TV journalist reporting from conflict zones and interviewing political heavyweights and rubbing elbows with A-listers to building a course business that has now generated over a million dollars in revenue. Her Confident on Camera course has over 50,000 downloads and counting.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How micro-courses allow you to quickly scale up your sales
  • Why you should script and record your sales pitch
  • How Lucy structures her offers to increase her total cart value from a low-cost course
  • Why she uses still image ads to sell a video-based course
  • Lucy’s surprising strategy for generating leads and converting them

Learn more about Lucy:

Learn more about Gillian: