Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

Bonus Week #1: Easy Evergreen Sales Funnels That MAKE SENSE and MAKE MONEY with Mariah Coz

January 03, 2022

To celebrate our reaching 100 episodes of Work Less, Earn More, I’m revisiting some of my favorite episodes all this week.

I went all the way back to the very first episode and pulled out the ones that stood out to me as must-listens, ones that I think even if you've heard them before, would be worth listening to again. Then I had to narrow it down from 20 or so episodes to 5.

To do that, I needed a theme or a topic, and I landed on doing a whole week of episodes all about funnels and launching.

First up is Episode 20 with Mariah Coz. Mariah is a wizard with evergreen funnels and in this episode, she breaks down how easy creating a successful evergreen funnel can be, even when it goes against conventional wisdom.

Mariah Coz has been creating and selling online courses, building webinars, and crafting funnels for years. In that time, her company has helped hundreds of people create and sell courses about everything from watercolor painting, programming, decluttering, football, and everything in between.

She is a veteran course creator and creates high-converting webinars, funnels, and launches for herself and her clients using cutting-edge strategies that no one else is teaching.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Why it’s “mean to not go evergreen,” for your customers and for you
  • How your evergreen funnel fuels your live launches
  • Three things that might be holding you back from building an evergreen funnel
  • Two ways to effectively create urgency without being sleazy
  • One simple thing to put on your webinar landing page that will increase sales

Learn more about Mariah Coz:

Learn more about Gillian: