Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 79: The Beginners' Guide to Webinars (Part 2)

July 26, 2021

Webinars are an incredible sales tool.


They let you build relationships with your audience and convert lots of sales in a way that is still aligned with you and your values. It doesn’t have to be sleazy or salesy to work.


But you knew all that from last week’s episode. Or if you didn’t, definitely go check that out.


Now that we know how effective webinars can be and the basics of setting up your first or next webinar, we’re going to talk about webinar content.


What exactly should you say in your webinars? What should you teach?


How can you organize the information that you're teaching?


And most importantly, how can you wrap your webinar up with an effective sales pitch that will actually convert a large percentage of your attendees into buyers?


Plus, we’ll cover some tips so you can avoid common beginners’ mistakes and start seeing success from your very first webinar, from how long it should be and how many slides you should have to the importance of rehearsing your presentation and whether or not you should have your camera on.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • The four main components of your webinar structure, plus three elements you can add on

  • How to walk your audience through your process or product in a way that builds trust and leaves them wanting more

  • Six components for a successful sales pitch

  • Why your webinar should promise a result that is in alignment with your full offer

  • Why you need to be clear on your goal for your webinar, and four goals you can use webinars to achieve


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