Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 78: The Beginners' Guide to Webinars (Part 1)

July 19, 2021

Webinars consistently convert at a rate of 10 times the rate of email.


What is it that makes them such a powerful sales tool?


You’ve probably been to at least a few yourself, especially in this age of busy-ness and occasional quarantine.


They can be amazing–full of awesome, helpful, free training! Or in the wrong hands, they can be terrible, super-sleazy sales pitches. Maybe you’ve seen some from both ends of that spectrum.


Some business owners have even decided they want nothing to do with them because they’ve been tainted by sleaze.


But there’s no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just because some people misuse webinars and do them badly doesn’t mean that webinars themselves are corrupt. And they are still incredibly effective sales tools.


Done well, a webinar should be a positive experience for you and your audience. You can share a lot of value and strengthen your relationship with them. When you do get to the sales pitch, it’s a logical and welcome next step for your viewers because they want more of what you’re offering.


In other words, you want to knock their socks off with your free content so that they’re eager to pay you for more!


With the right balance of information, relationship-building and a taste of the paid product–no sleaze!–you can harness webinars to grow your business.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Three key reasons why webinars work
  • Questions to help you clarify your offer so you get the right people in your webinar
  • Six steps to take your webinar from zero to follow-up emails
  • Why you should focus on building your list ahead of a webinar instead of relying on ads


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