Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 74: How to Become (or Hire!) an OBM with Sarah Noked

June 21, 2021

Despite my best intentions, the day-to-day operations of my business don’t always come naturally to me.


Back when I was a solo-preneur, there were days when I was full of ideas and passionate about pursuing them. On those days, daily operations seemed less important than making big, important moves to grow my business.


Then on the days when I wasn’t even feeling very motivated or excited about my big ideas, boring day-to-day tasks were the last thing I wanted to do.


Long story short, the housekeeping just wasn’t getting done.


While I was struggling with balancing the day-to-day with my big ideas, I read Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman and Mark C Winters. They identify two kinds of leaders: Visionaries and Integrators. Visionaries are the big picture, big ideas people. Integrators are the ones who make sure it actually happens, holding projects and teams together through big projects.


Realizing that I’m wired for the big picture and not so much the daily nitty-gritty also made me realize exactly the kind of person I needed to partner with to move my business forward.


I got lucky and found the perfect person in Cortni Loveridge, and she’s enabled us to do so much. But how do you find the Integrator to your Visionary?


Or if you’re an Integrator, how do you use those skills and find your Visionary partner?


Today’s guest expert is Sarah Noked, certified Online Business Manager (OBM) trainer. Sarah teaches people how to become OBMs, who are essentially Integrators, trained to manage the operations of online businesses remotely.


Sarah will be sharing with us all about how to decide whether you should become an OBM or hire an OBM to work for you.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How to know when and if your business is ready for an OBM
  • Why Virtual Assistant and OBM are not the same role
  • Personality types and traits that make great OBMs
  • What you need to get started as an OBM
  • How to find and hire an OBM for your business, and what you need to do to prepare


Learn more about Sarah Noked:


Learn more about Gillian:

