Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 66: Be YOU + Be POPULAR? (with Margo Aaron)

April 05, 2021

Do you follow anyone online who seems to be 100% unashamedly THEMSELF and everyone seems to love them?


It kinda makes you wonder (or at least, it makes me wonder): is this person just unusually charismatic -- and they know it -- or can anyone be that attractive if they’re that confident?


Margo Aaron falls into this category for me. I stumbled upon her work about a year ago and felt like everything she wrote hit a chord with my soul.


Needless to say, I subscribed immediately. And have read nearly everything she’s sent me since.


Now, I’ve got some questions for Margo. Like…

  • Does she somehow know that what she’s writing will hit home?
  • Is she really as “authentic” as she seems? …or is it all a carefully planned marketing effort?
  • What’s her best advice for being “yourself” and also writing words that other people will love? (And for all of us entrepreneurs… words that sell our products?)


Basically, what I want to know is: how can we both be ourselves AND be popular?


If that’s possible, then today we’re going to find out, because I convinced Margo to come on the podcast and let me interrogate interview her.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Why the best copy doesn't come from your imagination, it comes from talking to people
  • How Margo uses boundaries to show up authentically as herself in EVERYTHING she does
  • Why marketing and selling is simply the art and science of getting people to care
  • How Margo uses data to draw conclusions about what she should create
  • Margo’s best advice if you don't have an audience to listen to


Learn more about Margo Aaron:


Learn more about Gillian:


Episode Mentions