Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 62: Instagram Secrets to ATTRACT & ENGAGE with Kat Gaskin

March 08, 2021


If you’re trying to grow your audience on social media, then you KNOW that there’s one thing that matters more than just about anything else…




It doesn’t matter what platform you’re on, the algorithm cares about the same thing: how much people engage -- or don’t -- with your content.


More engagement means people are paying more attention to your posts (good!) and the algorithm rewards that with more reach (good as well!). And that then results in more followers.


The GOOD news is that more people see your “best” posts.


The BAD news is… even if you’re sharing something valuable, important, and potentially impactful… if people don’t actively engage then your results will be lackluster (to put it gently).


Engagement. It’s the name of the game.


The big question is… how do you get more of it??


Well, that’s where my friend Kat Gaskin comes in.


She’s known around the internet as “The Content Planner,” because that’s what she helps entrepreneurs do: plan their social media content.


But when I reached out to her about coming on the podcast, there was something a little different I wanted to talk to her about:


HOW has she built such an incredibly engaged community of raving fans??


‘Cause Kat doesn’t just have followers on Instagram.


Nope. Her audience is full of the hard-core, ride-or-die type.


And I wanted to know how she’d done it.


You’re welcome. ;)


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Kat developed an irresistible physical product and personal brand on Instagram—with 52K followers and counting
  • Why Kat recommends picking only two social media platforms and her hashtag strategy for getting content in front of different audiences
  • The struggles Kat went through with content planning—and why she developed the Content Planner to make it 100% easier to create content
  • Why focusing on who her customer is becoming rather than focusing just on solving a problem creates an amazingly engaged fan base
  • The four recurring content pillars that Kat uses to engage her Instagram followers (and teaches to all her students)


Learn more about Kat Gaskin:


Learn more about Gillian: