Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 55: The $10K/month Side Hustle With Keina Newell

January 18, 2021

One of the biggest changes we’re making in 2021 is how we run the podcast. Instead of pre-recording and editing all the episodes before we release them, we’re now recording the show LIVE each week inside Startup Society, so that the members can listen in and participate by asking questions.


As I write this, I’ve just finished recording the first of these live sessions, and what a great interview it was!


In today’s episode, I sat down with Keina Newell, financial coach and founder of Wealth Over Now. Keina works with professional women and solopreneurs to create new possibilities with their money so they can save more, pay off debt, invest in themselves and stress less about money.


Keina is passionate about her work and finds no greater satisfaction than helping her clients start managing their money with joy because they’ve learned to feel possibility where they once felt shame, guilt, overwhelm, and anxiety.


We had a great discussion about how she’s built her coaching practice to $10K months -- while maintaining her full-time corporate job.


Keina shared a lot of great insights into how to market yourself as a coach (or freelancer) and how to balance a side-hustle with a full-time job.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Keina’s grown her coaching business from 0 to where she is today
  • The systems Keina has in place so she can operate her coaching practice while working full-time
  • How she's maximizing profits with a 1:1 business model

Learn more about Keina Newell:
Wealth Over Now on Instagram


Learn more about Gillian:

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