Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 41: Behind the Scenes of My Membership Site: Profits, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

October 12, 2020

I’ve been a teacher for over 13 years now, and I’m confident this skill is part of my God-given purpose here on earth.


But for the first 8+ years of teaching, I didn’t earn a very good living from the work. I was tied down to my local area, my calendar was crammed with lessons, and I was barely able to support my family.


Eventually, I scaled my local business and things got a bit better -- but it still felt like an uphill battle. This was one of the key motivators for starting my online business: I wanted to work from wherever (be that my living room, the local Starbucks, or a Parisian café) and on my own schedule.


So when I learned about “membership sites” for the first time… I immediately knew I was interested.


A membership site would allow me to use my teaching gifts to have a positive impact on the lives of others while at the same time maximizing -- and stabilizing -- my profits by creating monthly recurring revenue.


Sign me UP!


It took a few years to figure out how to start a membership, what I’d teach, and who it would be for -- but eventually, I got it off the ground, and today my membership program is my businesses’ main source of revenue!


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How much my membership, Startup Society, earns each month
  • Fixed costs and variable expenses of running a membership site
  • The biggest challenges I faced when I got the program off the ground
  • Mistakes I've made and lessons learned


Learn more about Gillian:

Attract Paying Customers Action Plan
Join Startup Society (promo code: earnmore)

Profit Planning Challenge
Get in touch!


Resources mentioned in this episode:

The Best $7000 I Ever Spent
Access Ally: Membership plugin
Flourish Online: They specialize in setting up membership sites