Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 12: Why I Started A Podcast When I Already Have A Big Audience On YouTube

March 23, 2020

There's a pretty good chance that you know that The Work Less, Earn More Podcast isn't exactly my main gig.


If you've seen me around the internet at all, then you probably are aware that I have a substantial following on YouTube – just under350,000 subscribers.


And if you're aware of this, then you might be wondering why I would possibly want to essentially start from scratch with a podcast when I already have so much reach on YouTube.


Maybe you’re wondering if my YouTube audience isn't that engaged, or if I am concerned about the health of my channel. Maybe you are wondering if YouTube is made up mostly of viewers and is lacking in actual buyers.


Today, I am going to address some of these questions and share with you some of the reasons I started a podcast.


The truth is that businesses that are in different stages of growth need to focus on different strategies. Just because my business is in a place where starting a podcast is a good choice, that doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing for your business.


Because of this, I’m going to walk you through why I believe this was a good strategic decision for my business, how to better understand what stage of growth your business is in, and how you can make similar strategic decisions in YOUR business for the biggest and best results.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How YouTube is great for some aspects of growing your business but still has it’s shortcomings
  • Why it's important to devote a percentage of your time to experimental projects
  • Why different strategies are right for different businesses and why what works for one business might NOT work for yours
  • How to know which stage YOUR business is in and what to focus on right now for different businesses



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