Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

EP 06: Hiring Part 1: WHO to Hire When You're First Starting Out

February 10, 2020

Too much work––and too little time: that’s the perennial problem every business owner faces.


If you’re feeling the crunch, chances are you’re already dreaming about delegating some of that work to a new team member.


But you might think that you can’t start hiring because you don’t have the budget.


You're not alone if you're scraping by each month even though you’re working all the hours, making only enough to support yourself. That's the fate of most entrepreneurs. The thought of bringing someone else on board––another mouth to feed––might sound scary and maybe even impossible.


It's kind of a chicken and egg problem. You know you need help if you want to grow your company and your revenue but you can't afford to hire someone with your current revenue.


So in today's episode, I'm going to help you overcome this problem by showing you how to make a strategic decision about exactly who to hire to give your income the biggest boost. And we're also going to discuss the logistics of how to bring this first person on board when the money just isn't there.


Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How delegating can help you work less and earn more
  • Expensive pitfalls to avoid when making your first hire
  • How to strategically decide WHO you should hire to have the best and biggest impact... especially if you're hiring on a tight budget
  • Who to hire to have the biggest positive impact on your company and specifically on your business’s income.



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