Work It Own It

Work It Own It

Tarot & Intuitive Healing with Crystal Gayle Luther

March 09, 2021

Tarot doesn't just connect you to your intuition & offer guidance, but it can also be the gateway to a life of spirituality & healing. I've been working with tarot for a few years now & have always been fascinated by its history & magic. Tarot has brought me so much wisdom & I was SO excited to have our first episode all about it.

In this week's interview I got to chat with Crystal Luther, a tarot reader & intuitive healer, who's all about getting connected with our authentic self. With a background in philosophy, as well as intuitive training, she offers a grounded & heart-centered approach when it comes to healing & spirituality.

In this episode she shares:

* Her journey from leaving small town TX for NYC* How she knew she needed a career change* When she found tarot & the history behind it* How tarot connects with the human psyche* Manifesting a life changing job* Ways she confronts anxiety & imposter syndrome* Spiritual practices that keep her grounded* Why guilt & shame are so toxic

Crystal offers so much wisdom in this episode & if you're interested in booking a tarot reading or healing session with her, check-out her website here. She also works with the NYC based clairvoyant healing group Nuurvana & offers healing sessions with them as well. Follow Crystal on Instagram for more inspiration

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