Words on Water

Words on Water

Words On Water #223: Jose Velazquez on the new Manual of Practice

July 26, 2022

July 26, 2022

Jose Velazquez is a Senior Wastewater Consultant with AE2S and Chair of the Task Force that developed the new Manual of Practice (MOP) – Planning, Design, and Implementation for New and Upgraded Water Resource Recovery Facilities. In this episode, Jose discusses how MOP serves as a guidance document to help utility managers and others, such as city engineers, public works directors, regulators, and contractors, navigate this process. It includes sections on how to procure an engineer, how do develop a scope of service for the facility plan, how to evaluate engineering proposals, how to make an informed decision on moving to more complex facilities, how to evaluate and select different project delivery methods, how to interact with the engineer during each phase, and a variety of other topics. Learn more about and order MOP.
