Words from Nerds – Same3Guys

Words from Nerds – Same3Guys

Words from Nerds 245: Why Fly New WiFi?

June 11, 2014


How is your WiFi? Does it meet your needs? This week we’ll talk about how you can assess the performance you’re getting from your current setup. When does it make sense to upgrade? Or maybe extend your current setup. Maybe you can just move your wireless router.

Hosts: Tom Kresic, John Kresic, Mike Kresic

Running Time: 36:21


Nerd News Flash:

Featured Story: When Does a WiFi Upgrade Make Sense

  • Lets talk about bandwidth. Netflix is throwing Verizon under the bus.
  • Does the router in your home make a difference? What type of wireless is it, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac and what devices do you have connected to it?
  • Should you be using a hardwire connection
  • Tom is going to swap a brand new router to replace a unit that is several years old.
  • We’ll talk about the connected devices that he has. Many are typically only connected via wifi.
  • Several of these devices are typically powered off, or he’s only using one at a time (ie using PS3, means the Xbox is probably off) but it seems that over time, the quality of the wifi streaming connections can suffer.
  • Site survey software : Heatmapper is a free Windows program that lets you map wifi signal strength in your home.




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