WordPress Plugins from A to Z
Provide Support Live Chat, Vendi Abandoned Plugin Check, WP Pusher and ClassicPress options in Episode 427
It's Episode 427 and I've got plugins for Site SEO, Live Chat Support, Check Abandoned Plugins, Code Development and ClassicPress Options. It's all coming up on WordPress Plugins A-Z!
Producer Credits:
Show Art: Angel Lemus
All the show notes can be found at: WPPluginsAtoZ.com
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I have a great set of plugins for you today!
Starting out I have a plugin that I have yet to use but felt you would want to know it exists. Keep in mind the ratings are based off the descriptions on their site and using their demo if available.
Sent in by Alexandra Surzha
Provide Support Live Chat (trialware) 10 day
What they say:
Provide Support Live Chat is a powerful tool for customer support. It allows offering your customers instant assistance via live chat, monitor and navigate them through your website, and receive their messages even when you are offline.
Provide Support Live Chat can be easily integrated with WordPress websites with help of live chat plugin for WordPress. Integration process will take a couple of minutes and will require minimum efforts. It’s a simple matter of installing, activating and connecting with your live chat account.
You’ll be able to create a new live chat account straight from the plugin or connect the plugin to your existing account.
The following types of WordPress integrations are available
Depending on the chat window type enabled in your Provide Support account, different integration options are available.
For embedded chat window:
* Placing a chat button and the chat window to a fixed position in a browser window, according to your live chat account settings
For classic popup chat window:
* Placing a chat button to a fixed position in a browser window (the best solution for those websites which have no sidebar)
* Adding a live chat button to a sidebar as a widget
* Ability to utilize shortcodes is the best option for advanced users and will let you place the chat button anywhere on the website. [providesupport] shortcode can be used for showing the button or link within the posts or pages and <?php echo do_shortcode (‘[providesupport]') ?> can be utilized for integration with the website source directly and will let adding the button o...