Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Latest Episodes

S2 Ep. 0: Intro and Overview of Season 2
January 31, 2022

Welcome to season 2! Jen and Don overview what has been going on as Pray Through It grows into a non-profit ministry and what to expect for this season of Unquenchable. - Schedule a Pray Through It Pr

S1 Ep. 20: Ministering to Pastors (Part II)
June 19, 2021

In episode 19, we shared how a single short demonstration of listening in prayer resulted in breakthrough for one pastor in issues causing him fear and anxiety. This demonstration led to a string of conferences where we led each church to hone their sk...

S1 Ep. 19: Ministering to Pastors (Part I)
June 07, 2021

When Don is invited into the Word and Spirit Pastor's Conference, he is given five minutes to demonstrate corporate listening and inner-healing prayer. Within 3 minutes one pastor begins weeping because of what how the Lord is ministering to him throug...

S1 Ep. 18: Prayer Walking & Life on Mission
June 01, 2021

Don and Jen discuss prayer walking, foreign missions, and the growing influence of Pray Through It among Pastors and Parachurch Leaders. Along the way, they share an audio testimony of how one woman found freedom as she surrendered the lies that she wa...

S1 Ep. 17: The Real Deal & God’s Love: Rumblings in the Dorms
May 24, 2021

In this episode, Don meets with Curtis, a Sophomore who heard rumblings on the dorm concerning what was happening in Don's classes and in our Tower Prayer Meetings. Curtis relationship with his fat

S1 Ep. 16: God’s Protection and The Dean’s Office
May 18, 2021

Don and Jen recount what happened when things came to a head when they were called into the Dean's office to describe what it was that they were doing in their prayer meetings. In the process, Don shares a testimony of how a Squishy Tree to test if the...

S1 Ep. 15: Mocking the Professor: Freedom from Religion
May 10, 2021

The student we are interviewing today was not a believer at the time. And at first, he sat in the front row mocking Don as he led the class in prayer. That is, until he began to understand what he was seeing.

S1 Ep. 14: An “Insane” Bible Class: Forgiving an Alcoholic Parent
May 03, 2021

This episode continues to explore what happened when Don stepped out and began leading his New Testament Survey class of 500 students on a conservative evangelical campus to listen in prayer. This student shares his experience with Don for the first ti...

S1 Ep. 13: Empowering Conviction: Listening Prayer Goes Public
April 27, 2021

Don and a former student describes what happened when he led his class of 500 undergrad students to listen in prayer in his New Testament Survey class. For the student, this results in a new-found understanding of salvation and the conviction of the Ho...

S1 Ep. 12: Biblical Theology Gets Real: From Self-Hatred to Love
April 20, 2021

After surrendering his career to Christ, Don waited for God's leading on when to begin leading his classes in listening and inner-healing prayer. In this episode, Don shares about the first class where he led his students in corporate listening prayer ...