Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

S2 Ep. 2: Alan and Raylene Kraft with Hope Abounds Ministry in Greeley Colorado

March 01, 2022

Alan was among the pastors at the Word and Spirit Conference in Tennessee (Season 1 Ep 20) where Don first led Pastors to listen in prayer who quickly adopted and adapted Don's approach into his own church. Now years later,i Don and Jen meet up with Alan and Raylene Kraft as they share how they came to understand the role that listening in prayer can and should play in prayer and how the role of Holy Spirit and listening prayer have grown to take a more central focus in their church's ministry. 

Note: Alan Kraft is the Pastor of Christ Community Church in Greeley Colorado and the Author of More: When Just a Little of the Spirit is not Enough and Raylene Kraft is a leader of Hope Abounds Ministry.

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Full Transcript

Alan and Raylene Kraft with Hope Abounds Ministry in Greeley Colorado

[00:00:00] Raylene Kraft: I had already been on this journey of just realizing God actually speaks and that prayer is a dialogue and not just a list. I still remember the guy we prayed for the first time we kind of started this and it was this cowboy kind of manly man. And, he left the session and it was really cool, but then we cleaned up and kinda did the room and then as we were leaving, he was still out in the parking lot. Jumping and dancing around his pickup, shouting I hear from God, and I thought, yes, you do. We all do. And so that's just been our journey of just wanting to help other people experience that.

[00:01:25] Don Love: Hello. I'm Don love the host of unquenchable, and this is my bride ministry partner and Co-host Jennifer Love.

[00:01:32] Jennifer Love: That's Me! We've finished last season, talking about ministry to pastors. As we had a short prayer session, we led at a pastors conference in Tennessee. You can go back and listen to episodes 19 and 20 to hear some of the testimonies that came out of that conference.

[00:01:46] Don Love: That conference was three years ago now. And Jen and I just finished our 10 day Pray Through It tour through Colorado, where we followed up with these pastors from season one. And on this trip, helped their congregation to take the next steps by demonstrating and explaining the biblical basis for listening and inner healing prayer in their churches. In the next few episodes among other things, we'll be discussing a bit about how the growing understanding of these pastors practice of listening in prayer is reshaping the way that they and their people minister to one another. But before we introduce our guests today, we have a few upcoming events. In March, we have a soul care retreat and a castle in Lexington, North Carolina.

[00:02:25] Jennifer Love: In April, we have a women's retreat in Lynchburg, Virginia,

[00:02:28] Don Love: And keep an eye out for details about an in-person pray through training coming up in may.

[00:02:34] Jennifer Love: You can check out, Pray Through It.com for details. And while you're listening, why not help us to reach others by giving us a five star view, and maybe writing a sentence or two telling others what they can expect to get from listening to the show. Last season. I mentioned that we had the privilege of staying at the house of Alan Kraft. He's the lead pastor of Christ community church in Greeley, Colorado, and the author of More: When Just a Little of the Spirit is Not Enough. What we didn't mention was that Alan was among the pastors that we prayed through things with at that conference in Tennessee.

[00:03:02] Don Love: At that time, I didn't know who he was, nor that he and his wife Rayleen were well on their way to lead their church, to practice in their own approach, to listening and inner-healing prayer. What perhaps amazes me the most about Alan is how engaged he is in learning and how quickly he applies, what he's learning in his own walk and in his church. When we first met, he watched,