Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

S2 Ep. 6: Self-Shame, Anxiety, Depression and Forgiveness (With Sample Prayer Session)

May 28, 2022

Don and Jen interview Sarah, a woman who has experienced multiple breakthroughs as she popped into Pray Through It meetings over the years. In this episode Sarah describes how her first two sessions led to major breakthroughs concerning the unpleasant and disempowering emotions she carried and her personal self-image built upon the words of bullies and an unhealthy dependence upon her mother. She comes to the realization that after her mother's death she was holding onto her anxiety because it felt like it was all that she had left of her mother, but as she prays through things, she is able to finally let go of all-consuming thoughts and self-shame that dominated her life for decades to receive and walk out the Fruit of the Spirit.

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Self-Shame, Anxiety, Depression & Forgiveness

[00:00:00] Sarah: My mother passed away. I was really struggling with my anxiety and I felt like it was all that I had left of her. I felt like my anxiety at that time was my own personal piece of her that I always, went to because it reminds me of my mother. And so during the first session that I had with you I was really shocked with just the peace that I felt in my soul.  It's still kind of gives me goosebumps because at this point I had no idea that people had been praying like this,  and it's just so incredible how the Lord brings you the fruits of the Spirit and that's exactly what I needed. I was finally able to move on and not focus on the wrong that I had done, the mistakes that I had made. I can now focus on Jesus and the right that he's done.


[00:01:43] Don Love: Hello, this is Don love, and this is an exciting time for us as prayer ministers, my bride, Jen and I just finished leading a seven session. Pray Through It prayer training here in Lynchburg, Virginia. And we're about to launch a new one day and three-day training, next month. If the testimonies in this podcast have gotten you curious and thirsty for more, we would love to have you join us at one of these trainings. The next three day prayer discipleship training retreat is in Forest, Virginia, June 23rd through 25th.

[00:02:13] Jennifer Love: if you can only spare one day, come to our one day training on the 25th or our listening and inner healing prayer meeting, that will be open to the public also on the 25th. You can check out www.praythroughit.com/events for more details.

[00:02:25] Don Love: If you aren't listening to this podcast at the time of the release, don't worry more trainings are in the works. And we're even in the process of developing online courses that will launch later in the year, as well as working with churches across the U S where we'll be holding retreats and trainings, just like this one.

[00:02:41] Jennifer Love: And that brings us to this episodes, guest and topic. Sarah will be joining us here in the studio soon. As part of attending our trainings, we ask our participants to fill out a few questions so we can get an idea of their background in listening prayer, how they heard about pre threat ministries and what impact, if any, has pray through it had on the way that they pray and live their life.

[00:02:58] Don Love: And so, as we're reading over the applications, we came across Sarah's application...

[00:03:03] Jennifer Love: And we recongnized Sarah's name immediately because she was someone we've seen popping in and out of our prayer sessions every couple of years. And each time she shows up, she experiences some form of major breakthrough. And since these questions were on the application for the course, we, for the first time, got to hear about how these public pray through it, sessions had impacted Sarah's life. I say for the first time, because one of the coolest things about our approach is you don't have to share the details of what has happened to you or what you've done in your past,