Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

S2 Ep. 5 The Joy and Pain of Motherhood (Sample Sermon)

May 04, 2022

The Joy and Pain of Motherhood (Sample Sermon)

Description: One ministry of Pray through it is that we help pastors and teachers in churches to consider how they might incorporate listening and inner-healing prayer into their teaching times in order to help shepherd their hearers to submit themselves to the Lord's application of scripture to their lives. In this episode, Don demonstrates how to integrate listening in prayer into a main Sunday sermon- inviting God into the conversation so that He might help those listening to apply His word on an individualized basis. 

This sermon examines the life of Mary as the mother of Jesus, demonstrating that motherhood is a challenge for everyone - especially as we see our children pushing away from us or when we experience prolonged singleness, miscarriage, barrens, or loss of a child. In the process, Don acknowledges common struggles many who dream of motherhood face as they look toward the reality of motherhood. And spends time praying through these issues which are often experienced, but seldom addressed from the pulpit.

Note: Prayers are located at: 00:02:45; 00:15:53; and 00:23:34. 

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[00:00:00] Don Love: Mothers tend to cover things pretty well. They can put on their Sunday dress and bring their family to church and you don't necessarily know the burdens that the mothers are carrying. You don't know the reason why they're so over-protective or overbearing or easily frustrated is because of the things that they're trying to protect you from that they went through in their own childhood. And they just haven't quite processed how do they protect you whenever they feel like no one else sees danger. So this Mothers Day, let's prayerfully take a posture of rejoicing for those who rejoice, but also mourning for those who mourn.


[00:00:59] Jennifer Love: Last episode, we gave you a sample sermon modeling, the kind of lesson that our team has taught to conservative, biblically centered congregations, to help them to better understand the role of the Holy Spirit and the biblical foundation for conversational prayer (that's both speaking and listening in prayer). And we modeled what it looks like to lead a whole church to listen in prayer for the first time!

[00:01:19] And this episode will model how to incorporate listening in prayer during your Sunday sermon, helping your church family to apply the sermon on the spot, through listening and prayer. This sermon is one that Don just delivered in order to help prepare our church to better serve one another. And the unseen struggles that often surface during Mothers Day. I was encouraged that he addressed some of the hidden hurts that aren't often mentioned in a church service.

[00:01:40] And to hear feedback of mothers who were unexpectedly moved to have some healing conversations with their kids. Conversations, they didn't realize needed to happen, but that the Lord brought up to them in prayer. So whether you're listening as a mother, a son or daughter, or a pastor, and it's our hope that this sermon will help you not only reconsider how you approach Mothers Day, but also the role that listening in prayer could play in your church service, helping your church family to apply the message through prayer in a very personal way as we pray expectedly for the Lord to enter into the conversation.

[00:02:16] Don Love: Next week, if you haven't put it on your calendar, it's Mothers Day. Whether we be a mother or not, it might be helpful for us to look at one of the most famous mothers of all time, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and look at some of the interactions between Mary and Jesus throughout scripture. And I'm hoping that as we look through what it was like to raise Jesus, that it will refocus a bit the way we think about the sacrifice of mothers. And then also the way that we celebrate Mothers Day, just next week.