Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

S1 Ep. 19: Ministering to Pastors (Part I)

June 07, 2021

When Don is invited into the Word and Spirit Pastor's Conference, he is given five minutes to demonstrate corporate listening and inner-healing prayer. Within 3 minutes one pastor begins weeping because of how the Lord is ministering to him through prayer. In this episode, this pastor shares about how this 5-10 minute prayer session was one of the most pivotal moments of his spiritual life where he noticed, "A remarkable difference, a remarkable change in trajectory and a freedom." Now, almost 3 years later, this pastor describes how he continues to experience freedom from the fear and worry of spiritual things and a spiritual anxiety rooted back to his Native American grandmother. And he shares his surprise of how what transpired was so quick and simple as Don helped him to pray through it.