Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

S1 Ep. 15: Mocking the Professor: Freedom from Religion

May 10, 2021

The student we are interviewing today was not a believer at the time. And at first, he sat in the front row mocking Don as he led the class in prayer. That is, until he began to understand what he was seeing. Perhaps there was something more to Christianity than what he experienced growing up as a child physically and verbally abused at the hands of his father (who was a well-respected Deacon at their church)? After the suicide of a friend from bootcamp, this Marine considered the possibility that he might experience what he saw happening in the lives of other students during the class prayer sessions. By the end of the semester, this student would give his life to Christ, experience freedom from the literal and figurative demons in his life, and share his testimony in front of the entire class as he was baptized in the pond on campus. This testimony demonstrates that even those who do not yet know Christ can benefit from listening in prayer. In fact, they might just accept them as their Lord and Savior in the process.