Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

S1 Ep. 14: An “Insane” Bible Class: Forgiving an Alcoholic Parent

May 03, 2021

This episode continues to explore what happened when Don stepped out and began leading his New Testament Survey class of 500 students on a conservative evangelical campus to listen in prayer. This student shares his experience with Don for the first time, recounting  how he went from thinking that the things that were happening in class were "Insane" to realizing that what was happening may hold the key to overcoming the childhood trauma that he experienced as he watched his mother time and time again choose alcohol over family. As he cried out to God, he discovered that God was listening and that with his help he could finally be released from the suffering of his past and of his own unforgiveness.