Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

Unquenchable: Biblical Theology, Listening Prayer, and Christian Living

S2 Ep. 10: Daniel’s Tangled Parachute

May 20, 2024

Unquenchable S2 EP10 Daniel's Tangled Parachute: A Personal Prayer Session
[00:00:00] Daniel: I've just feeling sort of skeptical of like the power of the Holy Spirit, I suppose, I don't know if I really trust people, I've been like chasing affirmation my whole life from authority figures that I simultaneously don't trust. I've tried to essentially be perfect. Which is ridiculous. It's very heavy and I feel like shame and guilt is the root of the things that I'm anxious about. I made two vows taking on all this responsibility that wasn't mine to take.
[00:00:33] Don: The best way to describe it is if you filled like hosery with sand. And it was like wet. And it was like in my stomach.
[00:00:43] Daniel: But there's a part of me that feels attached to it.
[00:01:17] Don: In our last two episodes, we shared testimonials from prayer ministers who took approach into prayer. And experience what happens when God's people pray and expectantly listen, trusting God to do the work. And in previous episodes of the season, we shared live demonstrations to help you picture what it looks like to publicly lead folks to expectantly listen in prayer.
[00:01:39] Don: In Season 2, Episode 5, I demonstrated using expectant prayer to apply the teachings in a sermon immediately after the sermon had ended. Episode 6, gave you a live demonstration of praying through things with an individual in front of the group.
[00:01:53] Jen: In today's episode, we bring you a clip of a private prayer session. I'm excited to share this clip with you because up until today, this is one that you would only have heard if you'd been in one of our in person trainings, but with the permission of the prayer recipient, we are now able to release this to you today. As you'll hear, much of our approach is noting key words and turning these into prayer questions to help discover the prayer recipient's story of how events led to beliefs and feelings that shaped their identity and life strategy.
[00:02:20] Jen: Once a story is discovered, we test this story with prayer questions designed to help them divide out lies from truth. Then, after we have agreed not just on their story, but the lies and the truth of it, We then lead them in a time of giving and receiving where we invite the prayer recipient to surrender over parts of the story and anything else that needs to go with it and exchange these for whatever God wants to put in place of these things.
[00:02:43] Jen: So as you listen to this episode, you might want to pretend that you're in one of our trainings and take notes on the key words along the way to see if you can discern how events led to beliefs and feelings that shaped Daniel's identity and life strategy.
[00:03:03] Don: Give me a little bit of an overview of what you know and why you're calling . What's going on?
[00:03:08] Daniel: I've been doing therapy for like a year or so, just feeling sort of skeptical of like the power of the Holy Spirit, I suppose, and I think there's definitely mistrust of authority. I don't know if I really trust people, I've tried to essentially be perfect. Yeah. Which is ridiculous. Like never give anybody a reason to be upset with me . Yeah. Yeah. And need a great deal of affirmation. I've been like chasing affirmation my whole life from authority figures. that I also simultaneously don't trust. Right. And so it's this very weird, Yeah. Yeah. So I've got all kinds of different anxiety that stem, I think from this. And so that's essentially what I've been in therapy for.
[00:03:57] Don: Well that's a great start., Lord God, we just, dedicate the space again and we just asked, Lord, would you bring our minds to rest and our hearts to peace?
[00:04:11] Don: Lord, I praise you for the many great things that have come out of that family. Lord, I just ask, would you show him, Lord,
