New Life Christian Assembly

New Life Christian Assembly

Latest Episodes

Word A Flame Radio: A Falling Away, The Apostate!! - Aug 02,2012
August 01, 2012

Were Living in perilous times, very dangerouse times. Maranatha, Our Lord Cometh. Will He find faith in the earth. there is indeed a great falling away. Truth is a thing of the past. The Word of God being disregarded. Join me tonight as we dare go there.

Word A Flame Radio: I will Not Compromise!! - Jul 29,2012
July 28, 2012

I have been following the Homosexual movement for some time now and todays article that I read coupled with some comments that were made have prompted me to speak up and make a stand as to my allegiance to God and His Holy Word. Too many christians are c

Word A Flame Radio: Deliverance Night Service - Jul 26,2012
July 25, 2012

Come on out, bring your prayer request, put on your shouting shoes, and lets praise the Lord together!!!

Word A Flame Radio: The Power of Agreement - Jul 22,2012
July 21, 2012

Jesus said "Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." We will discuss the power of agreement. My purpose is to help the body of Christ become more effective in our praye

Word A Flame Radio: Breaking the Bondage's of Sin! - Jul 19,2012
July 18, 2012

Come and Receive Strength and courage to rise above the temptations of this world. We are in a constant battle and we are hit with a double whamy between our flesh and the adversary working together to destroy our souls. I dont know about anyone else but

Word A Flame Radio: What does the bible liken the wicked to? - Jul 13,2012
July 12, 2012

Im continuing my study on the wicked and their ways. Come on out and fellowship with me.

Word A Flame Radio: The Wicked and their ways. - Jul 12,2012
July 11, 2012

This is a study on the subject of the wicked. Those who do Righteousness are righteouse even as he is righteous. 1Jn. 3:7 The exact opposite is true also. Let us study the word of God together and see what the Lord has to say on the subject.

Word A Flame Radio: Turn Into the Storm!!! - Jul 06,2012
July 05, 2012

People who spend time on boats understand a certain truth, that if a storm breaks out at sea you cannot turn from it because it will drive you wherever it wants to take you, that you cannot turn to the side or it will capsize you, but that you must turn

Word A Flame Radio: Shakin' Back!! - Jul 05,2012
July 04, 2012

Victory and success in any given area of our lives comes from our frame of mind, our belief system if you will. In order for people to be overcomers and not overcome is to change our thinking. Stinkin thinkin is what ive always called it. the wrong minds

Word A Flame Radio: In the Midst of it all, I Praise!! - Jun 28,2012
June 27, 2012

This Past week has been nothing but a series of devestating attacks of the enemy, and despite it all I still have Joy. And I will Praise his Holy Name NO MATTER WHAT!!! This Broadcast is dedicated to those of us who have been going through for the Gospel