Women to Women: Hormones, Adrenals, Weight & Trauma

Women to Women: Hormones, Adrenals, Weight & Trauma

Latest Episodes

How Do We Guard Ourselves Against EMFs? | Lloyd Burrell
July 12, 2021

I spoke with the fantastic Lloyd Burrell of , who is on a mission to raise awareness about the dangers of electromagnetic fields. Join us for a poignant, eye-opening discussion, where we touch on...  

How Can We Protect Our Heart? | Dr. Steven Masley
June 03, 2021

Dr. Steven Masley is a physician, nutritionist, trained chef, and creator of one the top health programs on PBS, 30 Days to a Younger Heart. His book, The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up, has been revised and republished with the latest tools and cardiovascular...

Why is My Metabolism So Slow? | Dr. Brian Mowll
June 03, 2021

Did you know that after menopause women are up to 4x more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than before? Dr. Brian Mowll has made it his mission to optimize health and metabolism and reverse type-2 diabetes with the help of his programs. In his new...

How Can We Decrease Bodily Toxins? | Dr. Tom O'Bryan
June 03, 2021

Dr. Tom O'Bryan is one of the most sought after and respected leaders in the functional health community, and a recognized leader on the impact of gluten and food sensitivities on gut health, autoimmunity and the brain. Today, we discussed: Toxins...

How Do You Prevent Cancer? | Nathan Crane
June 02, 2021

Did you know that 1 in 3 women and half of all men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer? By 2024 there will be 19 million cancer survivors in our nation. This is exactly why I asked Nathan Crane to appear on my podcast. He is an award-winning...

What is Inflammation Doing to Your Body?| Dr. David Jockers
May 07, 2021

Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP speaks with Dr David Jockers, author and sought-after speaker on topics such as weight loss, brain health, leaky gut, thyroid function, disease prevention and is currently offering his Chronic Inflammation Summit, gathering...

Why is Your Immune System Failing You? | Dr. Sally LaMont
May 07, 2021

Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP speaks with Dr. Sally LaMont, a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist who has been involved in functional medicine since its start. She brings decades of experience in the clinic and the kitchen - and to today’s...

How Can We Detox from Heavy Metals? | Wendy Myers, FDNP
April 28, 2021

Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP speaks with Wendy Myers, FDN-P, the founder of Myers Detox and creator of the Harmoni Pendant. She is a heavy metal detox expert, a #1 bestselling author of “Limitless Energy”, and has hosted the Myers Detox podcast,...