Women to Women: Hormones, Adrenals, Weight & Trauma

What You Need To Know About Hormone Therapy & Breast Cancer Prevention | Dr. Lindsey Berkson
Welcome to the latest episode of Women to Women, where we explore the current issues faced by women in today’s society. On this week's episode, we are joined by Dr. Lindsey Berkson to discuss hormone therapy, breast cancer prevention, and other important issues related to hormones, adrenals, and weight.
Dr. DL Berkson is considered a thought leader in functional medicine. Dr. Berkson has been lecturing for CMEs to MDs, pharmacists, DCS, NDs, and nutritiontionists for more decades than her ego wants to admit.
Dr Berkson wrote one of the breakthrough books on endocrine disruption. Based on this book, Hormone Deception (McGraw-Hill 2000 Awakened Medicine Press 2016) she was invited to be a distinguished scholar at an estrogen think tank at Tulane University (Center for Bioenvironmental Research) where she studied with the scientists that discovered the first two estrogen receptors and launched the EDC field. This book has been used as a reference guide for many university environmental science programs, such as the Univ. of Minnesota.
Her latest book, Sexy Brain, warns of environmental castration and how sex steroid hormones rule the brain.
Her book Healthy Digestion The Natural Way (Wiley 2002) was the first gut, nutrition, and spirituality digestion book and a long-time best seller. Its sequel is a breakthrough book creating a new field — Nutritional Gastroenterology.
Dr. B presently works at the Naples’ Center for Functional Medicine (Dr. David Perlmutter’s old clinic) where she initiated the first functional renal program and adjunctive nutritional/pharmaceutical/hormonal support program for breast cancer survivors.
Berkson hosts the Dr. Berkson Best Health Radio Show (soon to be called Agile Answers), and launced a membership for practitioners - Smart + Heart during the pandemic. She writes for substacks.com under Agile Thinking.
She’s a West Coast Swing Dancer. A 5-star organic chef. Does stand-up.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- What hormone therapy is and how it works
- How a diagnosis of breast cancer can be prevented with lifestyle changes
- The impact of stress on hormones, adrenals, weight, and trauma
-The latest research in hormone therapy & Breast Cancer Prevention
- Dr. Berkson's best tips for maintaining hormonal balance
We hope you find this episode to be inspirational, informative, and engaging. Tune in to Women to Women each week for more conversations with experts about current issues facing women worldwide. Thanks for listening!
Agile Thinking
Where Health is AT! Dive into Science, Hormones, Nutrition and the "surrounding debates".
By Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson
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