Women to Women: Hormones, Adrenals, Weight & Trauma

How Can I Get Into Shape Past My 50s? | Debra Atkinson
Bone breaks in old age can really deteriorate your health, and taking these measures through strength training can greatly change the trajectory of your life in your later years. I’m here with Debra Atkinson, wellness coach and hormone balancing fitness expert who has helped over 200,000 women “flip” their second half with the vitality and energy they want. Join us for more on..
the best exercise for muscle maintenance
optimal exercise for menopausal women?
how to break free from a sedentary lifestyle
Debra is the founder of Flippingfifty.com and creator of the Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist program for fitness professionals. Debra hosts Flipping 50 TV and the Flipping 50 podcast, an AARP top podcast for the 50+ age bracket. She is a frequent speaker and TEDx presenter of the talk: Everything Women in Menopause Learned About Exercise May Be a Lie. She has 37-years full time fitness experience, and is an International fitness presenter.