The Women's Hope Podcast

The Women's Hope Podcast

Ep 97: Getting to the Heart of Biblical Discipleship Part 4

October 23, 2019

On today’s Women Hope show, Kimberly Cummings and Dr. Shelbi Cullen conclude their four-part discipleship series titled “Getting to the Heart of Biblical Discipleship,” consider the importance of building relationships grounded in the Word and how to grow in practical godliness in the Christian life.

What you’ll hear in this episode

* Why good listening asks perceptive, open-ended questions that don’t tee up yes or no answers but gently peels the onion and probes beneath the surface.
* How to listen carefully by observing for nonverbal communication.
* Why listening to the words of others reveals what they believe about God and their desires.
* Why at justification Christians have been clothed in the righteousness of God, so they also now have the grace to live daily by the righteousness of Christ.
* The power of the forgiveness of Christ to change lives and a powerful example via this youtube link

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