Women Libs - WPRR - Public Reality Radio
October 19, 2015
Mary and Bryn are both under the weather so Raina and Darren are joined by April Crowe. They discuss the Democratic debate, who won, a comparison with the Republican debate, speaking time, position differences, and CNN's airing and streaming of the debate. Bernie Sanders is talked about in great detail including his meeting with Sandra Bland's family, his handling of a donation made to him by Martin "Pharma Bro" Shkreli, and his appearance on Ellen Degeneres' daytime talk show. Other topics include an update with the Flint city water situation, several Republican presidential candidates stump at a Texas evangelical church, Texas refuses to issue birth certificates for babies born in the US to people who are here illegally, Trent Lott takes a job defending colleges against sexual assault complaints on campus, and California regulates religious based anti-choice "pregnancy resource centers".